Kayla Liebeck

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Oct 16 at 08:53 AM

May be in another body. For his own safety reasons.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 16 at 08:50 AM

Your guardian angel? We all have one or more. Ask. Meditate. It may take a while. But you’ll see a name over and over again. Some have a sense of humor so I’ve been taught. The name may be on a truck driving by you on a highway! Much love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 16 at 07:36 AM

Many of us may not know that we are doing Gods will. I would love to be a part of TLS. Have felt since childhood that I was meant for more in this world. You may be a light carrier. Much more. I can’t share everything. I know somehow when I can and cannot. Accept what you can’t change. Love and light. Bless us all. Jesus would tell you not to do what you don’t feel like doing. You would be lying. Trust and faith. You may be helping and not understand how.


Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 06:56 AM

Brought to mind things I read in the Bible. It’s said that a man, even priests cannot remain celibate then let him marry. Why churches like Catholic don’t let them? We all know many results of this. And they condemn the gay people too. As a teenager I could not understand this at all. Plus the riches. I like many Catholic teachings. As I do Buddhist. And more. Especially the Tibetans. Breaks my heart. I have done some, admittedly little , to help them. Written protests and such. But felt it was futile. The Chinese.

Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 06:48 AM

I admit to forgetting many of my early Christian teachings. I had trouble with the dogma at a young age. So I became a seeker of knowledge and especially truth. A Catholic bishop , also a PHD , turned more gnostic. He was let out of his Catholic position and came to America to start an ecclesiastical Church. Gnostic. Got me away from old Christian Ideas. I still believe. But thank you I appreciate this so much. I will go where I’m led by God. Use discernment. I felt very comfortable joining this. Much love to us all. I have always believed we are all in this world together. 🙏

Replied on Saints ressurected

Oct 16 at 06:30 AM

I agree. So much is so profoundly simple. I read a lot of gnostic and ancient texts. Thank you. I will read these. Anything else you can recommend for me would be very appreciated. I do find the similar thread of truth through all religions. I’m gnostic. Christian. I do trust in Jesus. Faith really. 🙏❤️🕊️

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Oct 16 at 06:23 AM

I know in England there are many more investigators. Not sure about USA. You can find these people on YouTube or let spirit help you.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Oct 16 at 06:19 AM

I believe . I’ve had many strange things happen. Since childhood. Been fascinated with the sky. At night it hold wonders. Daytime too.Born in Roswell , NM , I have felt many strange and seen many strange things there. Young child. I long to go back. Miss it. For many reasons. When young I didn’t know realize about the aliens consciously. In me I knew. I admit I’m worried giving out personal info. Even though Im physically ill , I feel a lot happening in my body and mind. Ask spirit to guide you. There are those out there that will help you with this. Let spirit lead you there. To them. Ask. Trust a finely honed intuition.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Oct 15 at 09:26 PM

I have to speak here. With all my love and wisdom. A commandment of love is a commandment. There are reasons beyond what most know , there’s a timeline. It will play out. We’re told to persevere. Faith. Patience. No judgement , no violence. That’s not love. How can we judge? Pureness means innocence of bad thoughts. We all want a place , a world many of us know about. I agree with TLS that violence is anti love. We are all one. Light and dark. Forgiveness , perhaps karma keeps us coming back. Guilt. Rescue loved ones. Love has no opposite. Without being pure, full of forgiveness, tolerance, and want to commit violence , how can you live in love ? Serenity prayer 🙏❤️🕊️🌍


I was led to something about Covid on YouTube. Can’t find it again. I believe it. Caused by 2 very poisonous snakes from 2 different countries. Our water is not safe. It seems to me it’s aworlwide genocide tactic. Nightshade veggies are suppose to help! If you don’t smoke cigarettes get the patch or gum. No chemicals. We have receptors that bind with the tobacco! Helps rid you of toxins. Use small amount. Cut patches up. Too fast getting rid of toxins is not good. These genocide stared slower. After the holocaust. They are amping them up again. Be safe. No vaccines. I refused! Thank God. Messing with our food. All over the world. I see the deeper reasons why this happening. Doesn’t make it easier to be patient for a real community of love. Blessings to all. Must maintain forgiveness. It will play out.