Kayla Liebeck

Commented on Saints ressurected

Oct 15 at 07:12 PM

All I remember of this. Except to really appreciate Jesus/ Christ.

Commented on Saints ressurected

Oct 15 at 07:11 PM

I remember reading about Lazarus. Jesus woke him up. Gnostic gospels I’ve read this in. That’s it!

Oct 15 at 07:06 PM

I would love to join a great community of like minded people. Utah is a great temporal state to grow good food. Best of everything to you all.

Oct 15 at 07:02 PM

Beautiful! I needed a man that way. I wanted to be a scholar. Not with my family! 😜 was not into boys. But fell in love at 16. Knew right away I’m with him for a reason. Knew why he was as damaged. I am an empath. He’s a narcissist! Crazy right? I’ve learned. A lot. Pain, loneliness , but I honored my vows. I came here for a family in need of light. I know he loves me. Feels a soul thing. Twin flames? I’m still with him. 58 years old. Not dependency. A very powerful thing in my heart and soul. And mind. God bless you. If it’s meant to happen it will. I have found what I call unconditional love, I believe as close to Gods love as a human can reach. It’s beautiful. It’s painful. The balance. Much love to you.🙏🕊️🙏✌️❤️

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Oct 15 at 12:41 PM

He’s no fake. Sending sparks for humans to remember. Once you do , it will be like how did I not recognize it though I knew it. It will be simple. But profound. The ears to hear. Blessings. Don’t go into this deep seeking if you fear. Or get over your fear. Much work. I never had a mentor except the Spirit. I wish I did. I need like minded people around me. 🙏❤️🕊️

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Oct 15 at 12:36 PM

Fear not. You’re able to track your soul. Find all those pieces. Study and seek truths. Your special. I can’t tell you what religion/ spiritual practice to go for. I studied all. From a very young age. Ask God for the truth. Brace yourself. If you are blessed with what I call gnosis , it may end up being difficult. Fear not. Good luck and blessings on a path I hope you take. I’m not sure if I can write here all I’ve studied. What gave me truths. Seek. Love.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Oct 15 at 10:31 AM

Love you Ray. Totally get you. ❤️

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Oct 15 at 10:27 AM

For some reason I deeply understand why Ray cannot come forward , it’s not about honesty. Safety. It takes a long time to come to these truths he’s talking about. Keep an open mind. Study. Everything. Ask for truth. It will be given you. You may be tested. Stay away from using incorrect powers. This info is out there. If you’re led to it. I wish I could be of use. I’ve always felt something. Deep desire, egoless, to help this world. I’ve gone deep into things. To learn. Blessings to all. Discernment people. Pray , ask your higher self for that. Dogmatic believes are against many religious teaching. Don’t fear. Love to all.

Oct 15 at 09:20 AM

❤️🙏I am curious to know why only breathing through nose with this particular yoga? My spine needs this. Very grateful to you.


Oct 15 at 08:36 AM

It takes a long while to reach truths. Thank you. Very helpful.
