You identified what a lot of people are doing; however, I feel that government and medie do not need to fall but need to change - change to be more like Jason, his organization and TLS which will, eventually change the world for the better.
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Commented on The Power Of The Woman
Aug 09 at 02:25 PM
EXCELLENT Information - Thank you RAY and JASON. My wife and I are both 72 and we've been married for 49 years. We are soulmates. We met in Memphis, TN. (i was from NJ and she was from CA), when we were 23 and married 6 weeks later. Our fathers were born on the same day - 4 years apart - her father was William James and my father was James William. We have synchronized our bodies/systems since the beginning such that she or I can start a sentence or thought and the other will finish the thought - even more so lately to the point that we know what the other is thinking before anything is said by either one of us. Thank you - we are looking forward to this series and to something happening in our lives in the near future.