Adell Rose-Leigh Fox

Love! Love! Love to you both!! Thank you so much for bringing all this information forward in the way you do. Dr Ardis you break it down so not only WE can understand it but so we can be able to start to share and explain it to others!! 💖💖💖💖


Apr 02 at 05:45 PM

Julie Lamarche 🤗✨💖

Apr 02 at 04:21 PM

…sent with love and hugs. We’ve got to remember to laugh through this movie. 💖💖💖


Apr 02 at 04:20 PM


Commented on The Earthing Movie

Mar 09 at 06:01 PM

Link for Grounding Sheets in the UK:

Today I walked in a forest with my shoes off to climb some logs (something you never do in the UK and it felt amazingly good - instantly calming and at the same time ‘loving’). This suddenly reminded me I hadn’t been grounding and the connection with the earth was the reason I was feeling so good suddenly.

I’ve been travelling for work and had left my grounding sheet in my suitcase. Tonight I have it on my bed and am feeling a sense of calm I had forgotten to enjoy.

I got my sheet from one of the suggested in the link above. I hope you enjoy yours just as much too. 💖🌎🦶🏼😴
