
Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Nov 15 at 11:14 PM

Pt2 then how are we going to change this world I help so many people everyday even if it's with a smile or asking someone how they are doing for a minute it takes there mind off of what they are going threw and give them hooe that there is people who do care out there

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Nov 15 at 11:12 PM

I agree with Ray u can only take the high road so many times and yes these evil people need to be stopped I'm so sick of how people with money has the power to do what they want to do I get it the more money u have thecmore power but these people who harm children so be delt with or people who harm dogs or cats I believe they just need to die u can only sit by some much before enough is enough I all about the love and everyone is treated equally and stop putting people in different class we all r the same at the end of the day we all eat sleep but the evil people take it to a different level that needs to be stopped like the song by Michael Jackson the man in the mirror u have to start with your self be a better self in order to help someone else but with someone like me poor and don't have a voice that anyone would listen to how much I want all this crap in this world to stop , stop with the wars and the hunger and the homeless but if we don't stop the evil people in this world then


Nov 15 at 09:27 PM

I've always known this isn't home u ever look up and just wish to go home that this isn't your home earth and that you know you was supposed to do more and you can't because of the life you was born into like me I've lived a poor life all my life I've tried to have more but always gets put back into the poor life if that makes sense to anyone I can go and get a better paying job but then I get hurt and ends that and being raised in a poor family with not alot of means I'm stuck I have abilities like I know when something bad is going to happen and if I don't say it out loud it will happen if I do it doesn't yes I know things about people and I see things about people yes I see people who have passed on I'm weird I know

Nov 15 at 09:21 PM

How can people join tls

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Nov 09 at 04:17 PM

If they want to wipe us all out they need to hit our water I've been saying all of this since covid started no I'm just a normal person with no college I just keep my eyes and ears open and I go look up everything