GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 20 at 02:31 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 So I did a meditation where I asked heral projected in the EES frequencies and something latched on to my soul while I was out of my body and came back with me so it has been with me ever since and someone told me to basically invited in and to not make it a negative thing so I open armed accepted this entity and started showing it curiosity, love and connection and then about a week or two later about 3 to 3:30 in the morning right before I woke up for work I would be laying in my bed, I would be awake but I guess it didn't know that I was awake and it would lift up on my bed really hard, and when I looked over there was nothing there, a couple nights after that I woke up with a cut on my left heel with no blood or anything on the blankets or my foot but hadn't remembered cutting my feet on anything prior so I kind of just kept it moving only to receive another cut on my right heel in the exact same spot and I double layered my socks and wrap my feet in

Apr 20 at 02:29 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 floated in Hubbard and sat there and looked at me and then all at once, at the same time, they flew away super fast like irregularly fast and from time to time I will have a random crow fly up to me and land on a tree and call to me and check me out and I will talk back to it and it is really amazing. I have a divine connection with animals but more specifically birds and I was doing a spiritual routine but during my meditations I keep having these really negative visualizations of very disturbing images which I think is due to the entities that have latched on to me and they're trying to block my meditations and my connection with my spirit guides in higher self so how do I detach from these entities? And my next comment I will go into depth about how serious and real this has been..

Apr 20 at 02:27 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 from what I've experienced and what I've seen nothing is crazy so you can miss me with that lol but I'm really glad that I have gotten the chance to speak with you because I am also fascinated with my plant, as I only have one right now, mother of a thousand succulent is what it is and I haven't connected to it on the level that you connected with yours but I'm new to this whole plant thing and I think I will give it a go as far as the connection because I do also believe in connection to animals and plants as I connect with birds on a daily basis and call to them, talk to them, love them and they show me signs and I've actually had a whole murder of crows follow me around and protect me as well as communicate with me on a day-to-day basis for a couple months and even said their goodbyes whenever I left the area bye flying up to a third story level and squawking very loudly, over my music, the day before I moved out, and when I went outside to see they all sat


Apr 20 at 02:23 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 absolutely nothing happens by coincidence so our spirit guides or whatever your guides are definitely just brought us together in order to have this discussion so please enlighten me on how you got rid of these entities that attach to you.. and yes it is very very real.. three-dimensional real.

Apr 20 at 02:23 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 What I do to attack back the opposition whether it bewitches and warlocks or demonic and satanic type entities, I will meditate and visualize them sitting in a circle with the pentagram and I will literally cultivate and energy so strong and pure which is filled with very high frequencies of love light and caring and hope and I astral project out of my body and enter their pentagram circle and start loving them by literally entering their ritual and I see their eyes open like holy shit what is going on lol but I will sit there and torment them with love and light for 10 to 15 minutes and it's actually kind of fun and the torment will stop for a time but soon it arises again and I must go back to war but I have a very serious question for you.. The entities that attached on to you.. how did you get rid of them? Because I definitely have some attached to me.. I've tried pretty much everything and some things have been sufficient but they always come back..

shaylene barrows sounds like he was sadistic and actually probably had serious psychological and mental health disorders which are created by other psychopathic people and the psychopathic world that we live in which trains us to actually be psychopaths but I'm very glad that you made it out and that you are in recovery, are you in recovery? I hope you're in recovery.. I see a therapist for many reasons as well and it has been very beneficial.. she is great! But what you went through, is basically what the human civilization has went through systematically yet profoundly sneaky and quietly.

Apr 19 at 09:41 PM

#655321 bet that up homeboy.. here's my email.. don't feel comfortable putting my personal phone number on here but I'm down for the cause.. I love getting on the mic and ripping through some spiritual soul thoughtz.. I've been on other podcasts and did very well actually so I have a little bit of experience but yeah I'm down bro here's my email.. missed talking to you too. Not sure what your name is because you go by 655321 which kind of sounds like a Holocaust Jewish ID number lol That's probably not funny but seriously lol here's my email.. fathertyme109@gmail.com shoot me an email and then we can exchange further contact information!! 💯

Apr 19 at 09:38 PM

Ashley Hileman take care


Apr 19 at 09:37 PM

Ashley Hileman yeah same with me.. that is just proof of synchronicity in that everything is connected.. yeah I am also trying to learn how to use discernment in my dreams because I have very negative dreams involving some very negative and disturbing things but I also have very insightful in good dreams but in my dreams I see a lot of death and my intuition tells me that it is going to be on our timeline very soon so how in the hell do I oppose that type of intuitional discernment? Like people tell me to trust my intuition but my intuition is telling me horrible and horrific things.. zombies, war and trans gender ideology are some.. well like I said I have uplifting positive dreams as well which are a lot easier to discern and to accept but we do live in a polarized reality after all so I guess it's normal to have negative and positive dreams. And when you and your boyfriend do that at the same time it is actually telepathy because you guys are actually connected as everything is.


Apr 19 at 09:34 PM

#655321 All bullshit in for an alternative agenda that is demonic, satanic and negative. People are basically worshiping the devil by believing in the globe theory without even knowing that they are.. me saying that would probably get me ridiculed but that is the exact truth of the matter and if you look at all the numbers and then do your research on how the numbers work according to the occultist rituals and numerology you will also find the same fact checking information.. it's all a lie and it's all bullshit and I have all receipts to prove it.. now people saying that flat earth is bullshit when they actually haven't done any research or actually tried to compare the two or uncover things is totally ridiculous and that right there is 100% brainwash and indoctrination and that is how is it is designed to work.. it is designed to ridicule anybody that thinks differently.
