GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 19 at 07:54 PM

I also have respect for other people's beliefs and don't feel as if I disrespected anyone if that's what you were insinuating.. everything that I share comes with receipts and reality.. well I guess it's my reality but I do not accept anything but the truth and 100% authenticity into my reality thus meaning I wouldn't share anything that would hurt anybody or negatively harm anyone in any shape way or form.


Apr 19 at 07:49 PM

I read it 10 times and the words decribed the same wikedness as the first time I heard it and read it. The Bible is full of ancient texts that come from many different civilizations and societies. It was a book created to deceive control and manipulate the masses. And I have receipts for all this..

Apr 19 at 04:57 AM

Karen Driscoll how do I get in contact with this organization?? I WANT THIS SHIT OUT OF ME ASAP!!

Apr 19 at 04:56 AM

I feel like you guys need to come up with an invention that lets people constantly intake these frequencies like maybe some type of clothing or a suit that somebody could wear in their daily life just going to work or throughout their daily lives where they can easily access the frequencies by a touch of a button and without the hassle having to be in an enclosed roomm. Have you guys thought of any type of mobile on the go frequency generator ideas.. like in some clothing or something in order to defeat any and all threats the elites throw at us within our living environment... That would be so awesome to just put in an outfit and to be generating your cells whilst you are moving about in your day to day lives. Just food for thought.. just had that download so I had to share it!! Love you guys! โค๏ธ999โค๏ธ


Apr 19 at 04:53 AM

UNIFYD TV and my face cleared up so much and I just felt better about myself.. like when I looked in the mirror it was a positive thing instead of having to battle with negative to positive two positive to negative thoughts on the daily for like a week or two it was just all positivity and I feel like I look five or 10 years younger


Apr 19 at 04:52 AM

UNIFYD TV I have done a 2 hour session and I used it to do a deep spiritual meditation and I astral protected and flew through some type of reality and was seeing different beings.. and that's when something came back with me from the astral plane and it's been haunting me ever since. Day to day all out spiritual warfare with this entity but damn.. it really worries me as to what was actually in those damn shots because My memory is very foggy and I have brain farts frequently and like I said my hair is receding now and I'm seeing monic faces and my body itches all the time and I suddenly obtained arthritis but I keep having dreams with zombies in them so I don't know if it's this entity putting these dreams in my head or if it's some type of prophecy thing but I hope these shots don't turn us into fucking zombies.. but thanks for the reply. I think I'll visit my friends that have a center in my area and start my sessions back up. It was a very pleasant and empowering experience.

Apr 19 at 04:45 AM

PowellJam11 that's awesome.. but isn't there and end to levels in a game??


Apr 19 at 04:45 AM

Melissa Jo Stanford positive thoughts, words and intentions shape our reality. I like that


Apr 19 at 04:43 AM

Yeah it's not flat it's basically just a narrative that flat earthers have created because it is not round or a globe like the elites have told us. The rothschilds took over our education systems and like the 1930s I think and it may be before then and indoctrinated all of us into the globe theory and all of their other satanic agendas.. look it up. I've done my research.. we have all been indoctinated.. Even you. Even me. Everyone you know.. now it's time to break the indoctrination and find the truth.

Apr 19 at 04:41 AM

The reptilians in and the reptilians have manipulated and deceived our entire civilization in so many different ways and a lot of people that control the world are actually reptilians but they have come back to finish them off and they are crumbling slowly but surely and the 3D matrix is being left it off and will there be an entire universe? I have absolutely no idea but what I do know is that what they have told us is definitely 100% wrong and I will write a story about all of the satanic numbers that they put into the calculations of the length and width and diameter of Earth and all the other planets.. it's actually creepy and really crazy but it all resorts back to 666 but I will write a story and you can read the whole thing.. what we've been told and what we've been shown is definitely 100% wrong but who am I to say that there isn't a vast universe beyond the firmament? Nobody really knows.. because nobody has been through the firmament..