GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 19 at 04:39 AM

Thank you it was the Palladians which is 79% women but they put this matrix to trap these reptilians on Earth because they didn't have the resources and army to finish them off so they trapped them here on earth and put a third dimensional and third density reality matrix upon our planet and we have been trapped here in 3D for the past 12,000 years but we are actually 5D beings.. apparently they are slowly removing the 3D matrix from our reality but they have to do it slowly otherwise we will start seeing monsters and crazy stuff hints the demon syndrome where people are seeing demons on people's faces and whatnot is actually the 3D being lifted and as we are moving into 4D and eventually 5D everything that has been hidden to us will come to light but if this is the case then yes there is a vast universe beyond what we know and what we can see touch and feel but as of right now we are trapped in a 3D matrix which has a firmament which I also think may have been placed there to keep

Apr 19 at 04:37 AM

Sorry for the late response and it is all about human perspective and the way that we see but if you take an actual high tech camera and watch the ship sail off into the horizon you can then take a camera and zoom in to still see it as globe people would say that the curvature is why you can't see it but if you zoom in you can still see it because there is no curvature and I believe in (outer)space as in space beyond our world that we have come to know as earth but I believe Antarctica surrounds our entire human civilization and beyond Antarctica it just keeps going and going and going.. hence why they won't let us go to Antarctica at all.. because it will crumble everything they have brainwashed us into believing about our reality.. but I also have a different perspective, I have also heard of a different alien civilization that put a 3D and third density matrix reality on our planet in order to trap The remainder of a reptilian military force as the reptilians receded to Earth and I

Apr 15 at 05:07 PM

Regardless of the quality and authenticity of the video the Earth is definitely flatish and is not a globe but keep on being indoctrinated.. it's your reality so you experience it how you want to. The globe was created to spiritually crush our civilization which was first proposed by Pythagoras which is a Freemason and was deep into the cabal but tell me why his proposed globe theory didn't actually take effect for hundreds of years after he actually created the theory?? It wasn't until the 1960s until they all of a sudden changed everything to a globe and you can ask any 100-year-old person on the Earth and they will tell you the same thing.. they were taught that the earth is flat.

Apr 12 at 10:44 PM

Haha.. that was pretty funny. When you phrase it like that the "moon event" was definitely real but the "moon landing" definitely never happened. I don't even think we can get to the moon.. if we can't get there now we definitely couldn't get there then. It's all bullshit. I think they're confused about humans because in there reality which isn't 3D hate, murder and violence don't exist. We have been manipulated and our civilization has been terraformed into a cesspool of depression, anxiety and negativity. Hopefully we can terraform it back and transition into the age of love. And how did Ray and TLS determine the time frame on that?? I'm guessing with numbers??

Apr 12 at 06:18 PM

(3) It sounds like the great reset movement of Klaus Schwab and the rest of the Psychopaths that run the world.. white people didn't invent slavery.. it seems to me as if the men who wrote the Bible were exercising slavery way before the African horror stories. 1 Corinthians 7:22 and remember if you were a slave when the Lord called you you are now free in the Lord" (oh how nice of you!! β™₯) I can be free in my mind through God but my body, my physical body, can never be free. But this is the creator of the universe right? Cosigning slavery right? This is just the tip of the iceberg.. I can go on for days. People involved with religion have been fooled to the highest level. What you're reading Is a hodgepodge of recycled texting scripts and papyrus from many other religious texts and civilizations in order to get your money. Let's take a look at Leviticus 19:20 the man has sex with a slave girl who's Freedom has never been purchased but is committed to becoming another man's wife he

Apr 12 at 06:18 PM

(2) Your earthly masters with love and fear".. Ephesians 6:5.. so love and fear do not go together and slavery is absolutely despicable.. any God or religion that suggests that slaves should love and fear their masters are inhumanely delusional. That's evil.. that's negative. That's not love and light. But that's the creator of the universe right? Plus they reference in the Bible that God is a he which energetically is imbalanced and only exercises the masculine aspect of feminine and masculine Energies.. look what men have done to this earth? Most people don't even believe what they are actually living and most people will tell you they are just playing it safe because they don't want to go to hell just in case it is actually real.. Romans 6:16 "don't you know when you offer yourself as obedient slaves you are slaves of the one you obey whether you are slave to sin which leads to death or slave to obedience which leads to righteousness" boy they absolutely love slavery don't they??

Apr 12 at 06:17 PM

I was prepared for pushback and I make room for different perspectives, ideas and beliefs.. there's is a creator but it's not what everyone thinks it is.. we live in a hologram reality while an atom consists of 99.9999999999999% space which means that everything you see is actually not even physical reality but rather a trick of the eye. Our brain doesn't create reality but rather downloads it. We live in a holograpic fractal of light, Everything is light. That proven science. Go research it. And I feel like the whe sinning ordeal is a way for people to never take responsibility for there actions or there mistakes. You fuck up and then blame it on the devil and then beg someone to take it from you because you don't know how to do it yourself.. not talking about you personally, just referencing. It's also good to keep in mind that the entire Bible was written by human beings, which in your own words are sinning imperfect deceptive beings. Those are your guys's own words.. "slaves, obey

Apr 10 at 12:11 PM

UNIFYD TV originate from the Latin word 'solistium', meaning the sun appears stationary.At its farthest excursions north and south, it reverses direction.

*** sorry if the order is wrong of the comments I made buy you should be able to read through them and connect the dots and like I said I have a mfkn brilliant story I wrote that is going to knock your socks off.. πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯


Apr 10 at 12:09 PM

UNIFYD TV course. When the sun travels across the Equator, it reaches the point of equinox, and individuals residing along this line experience the sun directly above their head at a precise angle of 90Β° during noon.The March Equinox heralds the advent of spring in the northern hemisphere, while the September Equinox marks the beginning of autumn.In the southern hemisphere, the equinoxes occur in reverse, with the September equinox signaling the start of spring and the March equinox marking the beginning of autumn.Areas near the poles experience little sunlight as the Sun only grazes the horizon along the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.The Sun begins its journey towards the Tropic Circle, following a path that takes it closer to the equator as the days get longer and warmer. As it reaches the Tropic Circle, the Sun turns back, always moving in a concentric spiral pattern.The Sun reaches its northern and southern excursion points relative to the equator, known as solstices, which


Apr 10 at 12:07 PM

In further detail, I will break down the patterns of the sun and how it effects the seasons here on on Flat Earth. The Sun and the Moon follow a concentric spiral path in the sky, while on the Flat Earth, there are five notable Circles of Latitude. These circles include the Arctic Circle, which is closest to the center of the Flat Earth; the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5Β° latitude in the northern hemisphere; the equator at 0Β° latitude; the Tropic of Capricorn at 23.5Β° latitude in the southern hemisphere; and finally, the Antarctic circle. The sun begins its journey from the equator during the March Equinox, traversing in concentric spirals until it reaches the Tropic of Cancer. When the sun arrives at this position, summer commences in the northern hemisphere and winter takes hold of the southern half., thus initiating a reversal of its path back to the starting point.The etymology of the word Tropic can be traced back to the Latin tropicus, referring to something that turns or changes
