Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Hood*Witch 🤍 Spiritual*Badass 💜 Little*Miss*Sirian*Starseed 💟Galactic*Gangster👸🏻⚔️


Mar 06 at 09:38 PM



Feb 25 at 02:43 PM

It’s not that I feel afraid to pursue it. I just lack the capital and knowledge in regards to funding my passion project. I have always wanted to open a treatment center for those struggling with substance use disorders. The way we treat addiction currently is not effective. My idea is to have a long term treatment center that is a step down process. One that fosters community amount patients and slowly gives them the skills to reintegrate into society. Most importantly I want to integrate more holistic and spiritual aspects in with traditional modalities. Basically, something similar to what RFK wants to do. It would be kind of more like a “Centner School” style type of facility…only for treating addiction.

Feb 25 at 02:49 AM

1. I didn’t feel anything. Although it made me curious to want to hear from the actual inventor. It also made me think back to all the interviews he did with Dr. Sandra Micheal and I remember not really ever being able to understand her explanation of how she developed the tech and how it worked. I also didn’t pick up great vibes from her, not necessarily bad vibes though either, but she just didn’t feel to me to be vibrating at as high of a level that I feel from most spiritual people…I picked up on more 3D vibes, like when people are more focused on the more material aspects of life.

2. No

3. Transparency = Honesty & Authenticity

4. I am happy for Ray to be entering a new chapter of his life, though I feel like he is going to be bored with retirement. I think that even if he isn’t working with TLS anymore that he will always be helping humanity in some way. You can just tell that he is one of those people who is passionate about fighting against injustice and about helping people who are lost or defenseless. I worked with “troubled youth” for awhile and I was very passionate about my job and about trying to make a positive impact on their lives to the best of my ability. However, I was working within a broken system and fighting against an unjust system can really wear you down. I reached a point where I needed a break from it too. That passion to want to help people who are struggling never left me though…so after taking a little time to reset…I found ways to have an impact on people’s lives in ways where I don’t have to work within the restrictive systems throughout our society. I mean so the short answer is that I’m happy for Ray, but I don’t think he will be totaled retired, at least not for long. 🤷🏻‍♀️

5. Out of all the spiritual books I was reading and series I was watching on my spiritual journey “Disclosure” was my fav by far. As soon as I came across it on Jason’s YouTube channel years back I was beyond excited as I binged watched through the whole series. I didn’t realize that there were other people out there that believed all of the things I believed about the world and universe. I especially didn’t realize that there was an organization fighting to make the world a better place. I went from feeling hopeless about the state of humanity to having a lot more optimism.

6. I would just like to thank Ray for his service to humanity…and for being a little rebel and pushing boundaries. He took a lot of risks, broke rules, and many times it was to his detriment. However, there were positive things that were gained as well, that wouldn’t have been gained without him taking some of the risks he took. Again I would just like to thank him and also ask him if he has ever considered taking on more of a teaching role during his retirement? …to help others develop their skills like the rabbi did for him.

7. Will we ever get to hear from the actual inventor? Would you do an interview with him at some point?

8. I don’t have any questions for Jason about the future of UNIFYD, but I would like to say that I followed Jason’s content on YouTube from very early on, before UNIFYD existed, and it’s truly impressive to see how it’s all come to fruition and how much he accomplished in such a short period of time.

9. I’m going to continue to support the mission the same way I always have, despite whatever changes may occur.


Feb 25 at 01:32 AM

I would love to be able to e-mail it to you…but I posted it 3 months ago and I pulled off IG…so I honestly can’t remember where I found it, to be able to go back and get the link to send you. 😕



Feb 02 at 03:47 PM


Jan 28 at 03:03 PM

The opposite of FEAR is FAITH! 💜💟🤍


Jan 25 at 06:12 PM

I have been feeling physically drained for the last year, despite switching to a healthier diet and incorporating 1 hour nature hikes into my morning routine. One new incremental change that I have recently made is adding Methylene Blue to my morning Mango Dragonfuit drink. It’s only been a few days since I have made this change and I have really noticed a significant change in my energy level and overall physical health. 💜💟🤍

Jan 25 at 05:58 PM

Whenever I see an opportunity for kindness I try to act on it to the best of my ability. One of my acts of kindness has been to be a positive, consistent, trustworthy, and supportive person in my best-friend/boyfriend’s life. He has been in jail for the past two years awaiting sentencing on drug trafficking charges. On Tuesday he was sentenced to 13 years in federal prison. For his sentencing I wrote a letter to his judge detailing his past and explaining what a truly unique and amazing person he is. I also got an opportunity to speak in court and bring some humanity to the situation, reminding the court that he is not just another defendant or case to come across the judges desk, but rather a person with endless potential who should not be characterized solely by the sum of his past mistakes. Even though we were hoping for a better outcome, it felt good for both of us to be able to stand up in court and speak our truth. Later that day he called me when he got back to prison and told me that he wanted me to know how much it meant to him that I came and spoke for him. He explained to me how much it meant to him to have me in his life as someone who is consistent and loving force. That throughout his entire life he has never experienced that type of support from anyone ….not with any his family or friends. He explained how much my positive attitude and support has helped him remain optimistic, motivated, and hold onto hope for his future. I didn’t do anything for him that I wouldn’t do for anyone else, which was to just show kindness and unconditional love for fellow a human. A lot of times I don’t get to see or know the impacts of my small gestures of kindness towards others, so it was really neat to be able to hear someone acknowledging what an impact, something so small and easy to do, had on their life. 💜💟🤍


Jan 25 at 05:36 PM

I think there will be a much needed upheaval that will ultimately lead to positive changes in the end. 💜💟🤍


Commented on 🙏

Jan 10 at 06:28 PM

Everything is happening FOR you… not TO you! -Bashar