GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Mar 29 at 07:00 PM

UNIFYD TV you lost me at technical design πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ that's above my pay grade lol I don't think Unifyd subscribers have the option to speak with those people so I guess we're fucked on this one.. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ


Mar 29 at 06:57 PM

L.Michele (3) Continued...

Beliefs about yourself and reprogram your mind to thinking and believing that you control your reality and ultimately your experiences so what you think and what you believe is what you will experience in your reality. The sooner you start to become more aware of the way your limiting yourself by how you think the sooner you'll be saying that it us easy to do these things you say that is hard.. start writing down your beliefs and then, after recognizing and acknowledging these false self limiting beliefs you then need to establish a new belief system in place of the old deceptionalized belief in view. It's all about how you think.. you can do this.. not because I'm telling you that you can do this but only because you believe that you can do this! Hope that all helped you.. my elbows and finger hurt from all that typing. I guess that shows that I care! Love and light my friend. You got this! β™₯οΈπŸ’«πŸ’ͺ🏽

Mar 29 at 06:51 PM

(1)Love yourself by telling yourself you are beautiful, smart, strong..Ect. (*create mantras to help with this as well as meditations dedicated to inward self love energy)

(2) You control your thoughts and emotions and you have to change those negative self perceptions into positive, uplifting and liberating perceptions, which you can do by counteracting these invasive, yet profoundly false perceptionalized views of yourself into positive ones.. everytime a negative self thought pips up, hit it with a positive self remark regarding yourself or instantly challenge it with something positive you've done to hemp someone recently. You have to challenge these false accusations of self.

(3) You exclaimed that it was, "hard and not easy to do these things" and that right there is why it is hard. Because you believe that it's hard and that you do not have the power to be able to love upuraelf and to continue to love yourself even if people put you down. You have to challenge these limiting

Mar 29 at 06:42 PM

L.Michele so the more you say it, claim it, and live it, the sooner these feelings of self doubt, self hate, low self-esteem, negative self image perceptions will begin to retreat and eventually vanish. We create our own reality through our thoughts and intentions so the more you practice telling yourself that you are beautiful, despite what other negative and hate filled people say to you, about you, the sooner you will simply forget all of those limiting, fearing and ultimately false self beliefs and thoughts. We have the power, we fail to realize this because we've been indoctrinated to think we are supposed to let other people think for us bit in all reality that is horse manure 🐴 πŸ’© and that we can think for ourselves and that other people don't decide your self image or how you feel and think about yourself as a person. The sooner you realize you have that power tye sooner this is going to become easy rather than hard and negative. So i leave you with 3 final thoughts

Mar 29 at 06:33 PM

L.Michele I know, I don't think humans were built to have to counter people disgusting and inconsiderate, rude behavior. I think humans were made to do one thing, and one thing only..LOVE!!! So when people are tearing you down spirtually, emotionally and mentally, we as humans, meant for giving and receiving love, simply don't k ow how to not let it effect us in all these ways so it's like we're having to do something we were never meant to do, protected ourselves from hate, violence and negative energy. I've learned tge best way to launch a peaceful loving counter offense is y simply loving ourselves and practicing loving ourselves on a day to day basis, no matter what. Because if you convince yourself you are a beautiful person with a beautiful soul then nothing anyone says will ever effect you because you have, in a sense, brainwashed yourself to only accept love out of any situation and thinking these positive self love thoughts will actually start to manifest into your reality


Mar 29 at 06:27 PM

Cindy ghysel as usual, Cindy being super kind, and super super supportive! Thanks Cindy! You have a beautiful soul my friend!! As I shine my light outwards you sign your light inwards to me! That's how were supposed to shine!


Replied on Good read here.

Mar 29 at 06:21 PM

Roger Beaumont current physical plane of existence! We are already in hell, in 3D hell! But I'm super happy and glad that you no longer fear death and going into the unknown.. they say that whomever conquers death will actually be able to live. And not conquered death like never dying but basically what you said, the fear of dying. Once you jump over that hurdle, the possibilities are endless and you can actually start to live your life and learn the karma lessons that you are supposed to be learning and uphold the soul agreements that you have made prior to your current reincarnation.


Replied on Good read here.

Mar 29 at 06:19 PM

Roger Beaumont I'll tell you what freaks me out though, my body, my physical body being stuffed in a casket and then buried six feet underground only to lay there for eternity.. I'm claustrophobic and it's just weird to think about man, that your physical body will be laying in a casket for all of eternity, while your soul and spirit will move on either to a different human shell or you may float around in that plane of existence for a period of time, nobody really knows how long it takes to reincarnate or if there is even an option to not reincarnate and just exist in that type of reality and dimension. Regardless though, it's not going to hurt and we have nothing to be afraid of because literally every single story that I have heard about people dying and then going to that plane of existence say that all they felt was love, joy and support from different spirits and just that plane of existence to begin with, was very loving and positive. I bet it's a hell of a lot better than our


Replied on Good read here.

Mar 29 at 06:17 PM

Roger Beaumont yes sir!! You hit the nail on tge head! Religions are fear based belief systems that scare you into thinking, acting, and doing things a certain, yet profoundly predictable and precise way. It is the master of all PSYOP's. It is the master of all deception. The Devil himself. I was, at one time, scared of death as well because I've fucked up alot in my life, nothing creepy or weird, just stupid shit like stealing and being violent towards people, which ultimately led me to 4 years in tge Department of Corrections. But, you will wonder your entire life if you are going to hell or heaven and it makes you overwhelmingly stressed, scared and not truly helping you embrace your current life with the notion you will either be reincarnated I to another human shell or you'll simply go to whatever and wherever you believe you will go. And it's still a little scary going into the unknown but now you know everything will be alright and you've nothing to stress about.


Mar 29 at 06:07 PM

Cindy ghysel yeah I was talking about Sandra's frequency generators, the EESystem.