GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 26 at 05:22 PM

sara You know I posted this stuff on TikTok and I had people call me crazy and tell me that I needed to get some sleep and that I was seeing things and that they just look like regular old clouds on a regular old day so I'm glad that other people are experiencing the perception as well.

Apr 26 at 05:22 PM

Aim within my intuition and higher self it's not giving me a negative type of change or shit but more or less like a neutral shift.. like the shift didn't affect anything negatively or positively but something definitely changed.

Apr 26 at 05:21 PM

Aim how do they look different to you? Like can you explain your experience? Like what does your higher self, your intuition and your spirit tell you when you look up at the clouds? Mine tell me that something is different almost like there has been a shift or a change in the atmosphere of our reality.. have you seen the movie vivarium? And that movie The clouds look exactly how they do right now in our real-time reality but they were trapped in this neighborhood whereas they could not get out but there was a sun and clouds but everything just seemed really fake.. check out that movie and it's pretty much the same type of situation, we're trapped in by the firmament as we can't get out and I've been hearing that there is actually 2-3 suns in front of our actual real sun. Also research that. All I know is that something has shifted but try to think critically and on a deeper level and let me know what you can pull out of your higherself and guides.. I'm getting change and shift.

Apr 26 at 05:16 PM

Michelle Cardenas your welcome!!

Apr 26 at 04:40 PM

It's a 5-minute video.. but I will post key points of it and maybe two or three different videos.. I'm posting now.


Apr 26 at 04:40 PM

Katlin Kilgore have you watched secret invasion? With Samuel l Jackson? That is precisely what has happened to our society.. and like I said, do your research and you will come to the same conclusion, there is so much evidence out there it is unreal. But they are definitely here.. 💯


Apr 26 at 04:38 PM

Katlin Kilgore demonic type being, they are interdimensional as they mostly operate in 4D, lower 4D to be exact, but they mastered the frequencies and vibrations of this matrix and have manipulated it into their benefit to manipulate and control humanity, but yes they are 100% real. Do some research and you will come to that conclusion on your own.. Don't take my word for it. Do your research and you will most likely come to the same conclusion.


Apr 26 at 04:37 PM

Katlin Kilgore Yes they are absolutely real, they were trapped here on earth over 12,000 years ago as they were on the edge of being defeated but both armies were depleted of resources so the pleiadians that were fighting them as well as the galactic federation trapped them here on Earth by creating a 3D matrix with a third density to it and that is why we have a firmament around the Earth in order to keep the reptilians in, as we got trapped and with them, they have manipulated us and milked us like cattle for the last 12,000 years dictating almost everything in our civilization, the pleiadians have came back and they are removing the 3D matrix reality and they are hunting down the rest of the reptilians and taking them out, but to answer your question, yes they are 100% real and they are here. They are in our government, they are in our media and Hollywood, they can change their frequency and vibration to where we see a human but in reality they are a really scary looking


Apr 26 at 04:34 PM

Daisy yeah the entirety of civilization has been indoctrinated and we have been programmed to outcast different people or unique people as anything that is different or unique is bad wrong or shameful when in all reality we are very gifted and spiritual people that are more grounded into reality than some of the most famous and smart people in the world. The only difference is, they have mastered the indoctrination programming as we awakening spiritual people have broken away from the indoctrination programming and see things in a different color so that is why we are outcasted.. because our civilization has been programmed to eliminate any type of threat to the program that was created. But here we are, talking right now, like-minded people doing like-minded things for like-minded reasons unlike-minded topics with like-minded love and like-minded thoughts. And yes, they are actually the crazy ones.. ignorant to reality and the trickery of the elites and the psychopaths.


Apr 26 at 04:29 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 yeah I can literally just be sitting in the same area as a person without even saying a word or giving off any type of verbal or physical information through body movements and words and the person will fucking absolutely hate my guts and do everything and anything in their power to destroy me.. it has to be inadequate synchronization of our souls and spirits. I have a very strong soul, personality, and spirit and like you said, I think it brings out the fakery that people live in.. it's almost like a subconscious attack on them through me shining light from soul to soul and it's like their higher self is getting irritated with mine thus meaning they have a problem with me with absolutely no reason to have a problem with me. It's definitely something deeper than them just not liking me for something because they have nothing to judge off of me.. they simply just don't fucking like me lol but I don't really care.. I like me and that's all that matters.
