GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 04 at 12:15 PM

More hard evidence for all the globetrotters out there not mention tge 666 in the measurements which directly relates back to satanic cults. If you cant see the lies you are not awake my friend. Its really as simple as that. The lie was created to create atheist and to take God out of the equation to keep us blocked off from the divinity in our reality as well as our self divinity.. there theory is theoretically impossible and they've made all there bullshit science so complicated for the average human to understand or even begin to try to understand so nobody would/could figure out they have been lying to us for 100 years.. so why not just keep it simple and understandable as it was intended and created to be..the Earth is flat. Period. "♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎



Apr 03 at 08:18 PM

I heard a podcast episode where David Icke talked about the simulation matrix theory and in his discussion it sparked an idea into my head that maybe we are already in the place certain religions describe as hell. Maybe this entire soul life we have been casted into this matrix prison, as David Icke insists, which in all reality, is a place where we have been entraped for God knows how long . Doesn't that make you wonder?? Hell is described as a dauntless imprisonment where your soul is sent to for eternity which in comparison we are basically living that eternity life after life, reincarnation after reincarnation... yes, people claim that we eventually ascend but who has ascended and then came back to tell us they ascended?? It's theoretically impossible, because once you ascend, you ascend.. for good.. right? So how in the hell do they know we ascend, if after you ascend you are gone out of the cycles of reincarnation into a state of 100% spirit?? They don't... idk this idea just came to mind as I was working and I felt intrigued to share to the community. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎



Apr 03 at 04:38 AM

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This is my "Mother of a Thousands Succulent" plant that my therapist gave me over a month ago and it started out basically being nothing but I have tended to it daily, watering and talking to it, and even meditating with it while setting Positive affirmations, and intentions with positive thoughts and I did a self experiment by taking a notebook page and filling it with positive uplifting words and the folks I would day damn near immediately this oalny really blossomed and took up it's residence in the little pot I put it in!! It looks healthy, alive and headed in a positive direction. For any plant growers or hippies out there ypu absolutely have to try this notebook paper with positive affirmations on it submerged under the soil.. ypur plant will love it and eat it up. They definitely feel and can interpret vibrations but the notebook paper has officially blown my mind!! ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎🤯🌿 💦📔 🌵🌞



Apr 02 at 09:06 PM

I feel like there is levels to giving.. you're either giving because you want people to see you give, your either giving because you want to feel better about yourself, your giving because you don't wanna lose your wealth or your giving because you want to help somebody who needs it. Which one Is justified..? I guess it's a personal thing.. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎



Apr 02 at 09:00 PM

I enjoyed this. I hope you do as well.


Apr 02 at 09:00 PM

Haha frfr this is the truth though. I've had a mentor tell me that if your not uncomfortable, then your not succeeding and that only true growth happens when you push yourself to do things that make you feel uncomfortable and that my friends, is where the growth happens. Push..push..push.. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎



Apr 02 at 08:57 PM

Ots not that doing each of these things separately is hard but rather the hard part is doing them all at once everywhere at the same time. ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎


Apr 02 at 08:56 PM

So true..


Apr 02 at 08:51 PM

In order to see entire photo top to bottom you must click on photo and then zoom in and scroll down page.. very interesting post with some reality bending questions. Your going to wanna check it out!


Apr 02 at 04:05 PM

The further you walk into tge darkness equals the amount of light you will emit to everything around you.. the thing is, will you make it back out of the darkness or will you get lost in the abyss..? ♥︎⁹⁹⁹♥︎