GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 29 at 05:12 AM

As most know I have been dealing with a great amount of negativity in my life the last 4-5 months whence I became a part of this platform and through working with my spirit guides, guardian angels, intuition, common sense, hints here and there from different psychics and mediums I have come to learn that there has been spells and/or curses put upon me from someone who obviously was jealous of me from something I said on this platform or some type of dispute so I will be saying my farewells to the platform and the community.. I've learned a lot and I think I've taught a lot but the most important things I've learned is that there is a God and the power of Christ, not Christ consciousness but Christ is the key to unveiling the mysteries of "the universe" better known as the flat earth. So I bid my farewells to you all and wish you the best. May you find God and may you truly find the secrets to our reality which lie solely in God our one true creator. Nothing else truly matters. This will be my last post. I take all curses and spells and/or any black magic that has been placed upon my being, my soul and my life off of my self through the power of Jesus Christ through the Blood of Christ. God is my Shepard, God is my armor and you have no reign over my life at all, you never did, you never will and this ends now!! Bye.. πŸ‘‹πŸ½ thanks for liberating my life and bringing me right where I always was.. to God, with God, For God.. If you learn one thing from me let it be that God is real. We weren't created by a random big bang and there isnt an expanding universe.. it is us. Just us. This was made for us.. this reality which we can't leave. I don't agree with religion but what I do know is that God is real and there is a divine creator. What and who that creator is idk but there is one. And we are special.. to the creator and we are connected directly to the creator. We are the creator though the creators eyes. They want you to believe that there is an entire universe that's expanding with trillions and trillions of planets and stars but no proof of any life, it doesn't make sense folks.. and you can probably say the same thing and to this day your wondering what to believe in because they've gotten you utterly confused and lost in there universe shenanigans.. the system they created was brilliantly crafted and it has created billions of atheist. I'm still not a Christian but I do know God is real and from my extensive research and first hand experiences this I know to be true and certain. It all hit me at once tonight as I prayed and started listening to more GODLY MUSIC.. I got a very strong download about EVERYTHING. .. well I've said enough. I'm free now. Love you all .. God loves you all..



Apr 29 at 01:33 AM

Are there any professional mediums on here that are experienced with removing black magic, spells and curses??


Apr 29 at 01:18 AM



Apr 29 at 12:35 AM

Holy synchronicity...
11/33/99 or 69 or 66


Apr 28 at 04:07 PM



Apr 28 at 11:41 AM


Gravity is a hoax. Our reality is a divine electrical invention or technology that portrays a holographic image whereas our divine soul is the observer through a simulated reality in order to gain information,data and experience to send back to the creator. 99.9999999999999% of an atom is space thus meaning everything you see is an illusion caused by light and electricity. To go even further, when someone's heart stops beatimg and they physically die how does a Dr zap them back into existence?? With a defibrillator which shocks electrical energy back into the body and the heart to restore the once electrical current of life which in all reality electricity is all around us.. exactly how it's portrayed in the movie, The Matrix. Electricity, light and energy is the true nature of our reality. Atoms are the basic constituents of molecules, cells, humans, and planets. There is a creator and this space we occupy, physically.. was created for us, we were not a cosmic accident that happened by chance whereas we are portrayed as the only living creatures in this big bang universe. We are unique and we are special and were created not by thousands upon thousands of years from monkeys but rather placed in this electrical biological reality, something like the Truman Show, for a divine purpose, or an experiment if you will.. I believe there is an ice wall that sorounds our reality and beyond the ice wall there is more land, or other "worlds" if you will and Aliens come from (outer)space in a more literal term and parallel realities and other dimensions, not deep space millions of light-years away.. this is just information and opinionated perceptions I've developed from proper research, divine knowing, spiritual downloads, science, common sense, mathematics and intuition. This is my belief and this is what resonates and makes sense to me..if you peacefully disagree I humbly welcome your protest to this legitimate information and common perceptionalized concept. Regardless, I still love you. πŸ–€999πŸ–€



Apr 27 at 07:48 PM



Apr 27 at 05:15 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Had a little birdie follow me into a store I went into today.. I tried to talk with him and let him know that I wasn't there to hurt him and that I would help him back outside but he wasn't fucking with me lol also after I edited and added uploaded the video it actually ended at 1:11 which I had absolutely intentions of doing that.. More synchronicity into my life. Something to have to do with videos..? Birds and the video together?? Idk but I'm listening...πŸ–€999πŸ–€


Apr 27 at 04:06 PM

Damn that makes so much sense.. I know whenever I intuitively feel someone lie things get really awkward and I try to be as nice and polite as I can with the person but it gets really weird after I read that they are lying which is a lot of the time lol shitty huh? πŸ–€999πŸ–€



Apr 27 at 04:05 PM

David Icke talked about this in a podcast I listened to with him on it as he said that in order to break out of this prison matrix system that we are trapped in we have to raise our vibration and consciousness to a certain level in order to bypass the reality we keep reincarnating into so this directly resolutes with his ideology of reality and breaking from The matrix. David talks about how he will no longer reincarnate on this plane of existence because he is raising his vibration to the point where he will be able to bypass whatever walls are keeping us in and all I can say is, I sure in the hell hope he is right, we are not 3D beings but rather 5D beings and actually come from the spirit realm as we for some unknown reason came to this existence maybe? Or our souls were created in order to create experience which is then transmitted into information which is sent back to source and if that's the case it sounds like a program and if it's a program for a simulation is there actually anything outside of it? If there is a firmament above so is below then maybe this is it, I've heard stories and seen people suggest that our plane of existence is actually infinite as far as what's outside of what most people know as Earth, apparently there is an ice wall that surrounds all continents on a flat plane of existence and beyond the ice walls there is more land, don't know how true that is because I haven't been there but if that's the case will our souls ever find their way back from whence they came?? So many contridictions, not enough proof. When I become a rich I am buying a giant dependable boat and I am taking my ass all across the world to figure this shit out, whenever I am rich I am going to buy a plane and I am going to fly around the world to see exactly what our reality is and how it works because it is most definitely not what they tell us it is. But regardless of all that, heaven is a vibration. Everything is vibrations.. and if heaven is a vibration than hell would also be a vibration correct?? Maybe we put ourselves in hell whenever we operate in lower frequencies and vibrations without even knowing that we are doing it.. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration".. Nikola Tesla πŸ–€999πŸ–€