Illuminati Masonic Symbolism Is Physically Embodied In Israel, Stemming From Its Ashkenazi Khazarian Inception
On November 2, 1917, The Balfour Declaration was issued by the British government announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in @Palestine, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Delivered by the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Ashkenazi Khazarian Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (a British Jewish community leader) to be relayed to the Zionist Federation of @GreatBritain and Ireland.
In 1953 The Grand Lodge of Israel was established and its official seal enclosed the symbols of the three great monotheistic religions: Christian Cross, Jewish Star of David, and Muslim Crescent, all intertwined within the Masonic square and compasses. This demonstrates how the Jesuits, Khazarians and Zionists seek to use their tool of Freemasonry to infiltrate and control all religions. On March 9, 1968, Solomon's Pillars Lodge No. 59 a.k.a. Amudei Shlomo in Eilat, @Israel was founded and showcases an Illuminati pyramid with Freemasonic logo/pillars.
In 1992 The Supreme Court of Israel was built and donated to Israel by Ashkenazi Khazarian philanthropist Dorothy de Rothschild. Outside the President's Chamber displayed a letter from Ms. Rothschild expressing her intent to donate a new building for the Supreme Court to @IsraeliPM Shimon Peres. At the entrance of the Supreme Court was a painting of the Rothschilds with Shimon Perez and Isaac Rabin planning the construction of the Supreme Court. The Rothschilds specifically built the Supreme Court to feature a massive Illuminati pyramid on the roof which is symbolic of their plans for eternal domination via a one world government fascist globalist totalitarian transhumanist NAZI World Order (#NWO).
*credit to QueOp for creator of post
The Uncensored Truth with Ivory Hecker
GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! ๐ฏ๐๐ฝ๐ช๐ฝ
Holyhead, United Kingdom
Feb 07 at 03:10 PM
Feb 07 at 03:08 PM
Feb 07 at 03:05 PM
The world's media (PSYOP) is controlled by a handful of companies.. tread lightly when indulging in whatever content they may offer.. nothing is what it is and nothing is what it seems to be.. use your internal wisdom and intuition to know what might be harmful or disinformation and even mind control.
Feb 06 at 10:30 PM
Lastnight I had 2 men show up in my dream. The dream was placed inside my brain only minutes before I woke for my day. When they do this it's because they want me to take something from it immediately so they plant it in minutes before I arise for my day.. HERE it is... ๐๐ฝ ๐๐ฝ ๐๐ฝ ๐๐ฝ ๐๐ฝ ๐๐ฝ
So, there are these two men with longer hair that's were both very tall probably around 6'3-6'4 Ft tall. They were skinnier men but built at an average level with caucasian golden skin that had a very handsome and charming appearance.. So here is the scenario.. I was in my dream, in a more desolate and dead looking setting.. trees were dead and everything was very gray and gloomy. But the narrative to the dream was that I was with these 2 men and we were standing about 100 Ft outside of this old creepy looking abandoned building.. as we were standing there an image or an idea of this monster looking being was popping in my head and as it was these 2 men were suggesting that I go into the creepy building and take care of the monster.. I looked at them, double took, and said nope..nuhuuh.. not doing it.. you guys can go deal with that thing! I'm not doing it!! As they walked me closer to the building I refused to do it and I suddenly woke.. I was in a daze still as there was still 30 minutes before my alarm were to go off so I softly nodded back off into the dreamers dimension and ended right back where I started the first dream in the same spot with the same 2 men.. exactly the same scenario except this time the men were a little more adamant (or pushy) that I go slay this monster looming thing but I refused once again and asked them to do it for me this time.. "Can you please go take care of this thing?? I really can't do it and I'm scared shittless right now.." So as I drew nearer and nearer to the door of the abandoned house I pleaded and begged for them to do it so, I didn't have to go inside and kill this thing and as they walked me up to the door I got super scared and awoke again only to see I had 10 more minutes before my alarm was set to go off so I dozed back off into the dreamscape and ended up back at the same spot with the same men, as I thought to myself, "come on!! Again..! Sheesh..when does it end.." as I arrived back into the dream we all stood there and I said to them, "your not going to slay this thing are you..?" They replied, 'no, you are.. you cannot count on everyone to always fight your battles and you must learn to stand up for yourself because there will be a time when you must protect yourself..' so I shook it off, and as we marched nearer and nearer to the house and the door I could feel my heart beating faster and faster but I had made a conscious decision that I had to fight this monster and I had to take care of it because it was not going to go away..they did agree to chaperone me to the house and they assured me that they weren't going anywhere and that they wouldn't let anything happen to me but I had to take care of this myself. So I Had no choice but to face my demon, stare it in the eyes, and slay it.. so that's the attitude and energy I brought right up to the door and as I walked thru the door, poof, there was nothing even in there, but I had learned a valuable lesson, I can't count on people to fight for me and I have to be strong and persistent as to staying on top of these monsters and demons.. Iearned that these beings are there for my support and that they had my back, literally, but I have to learn to fight these things and not be scared as to running away from them or letting them thrive in my reity..I'm not sure who these beings were but I do feel strongly they were somehow in connection with the beautiful loving woman I had ran across a coue jights before. It was Empowering and rest assured we are all being watched and we are all being examined very throughly be there ET's that have come to assist us in taking our planet back but they are not going to be the ones doing all the work.. we must stand 10 toes down and stand up for ourselves against terrestrial and non-terrestrial threats we may have a run in with. They are here to support us and they will help us but they want us to put in some work to.. if we fall they'll help us up but at the end if the day it is our planet, our responsibility, and our monster we must slay..
Love and light to all, this was a real dream and all true, the truth..the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me (source) hope someone else can take something from it as I dreams are also all of your dreams.. I will always share any lessons I'm being taught within the dream world... this is what they want, they want me to share.
โฅ๏ธ999โฅ๏ธ CโJโR 2/6/24
Feb 06 at 03:45 PM
Feb 06 at 03:44 PM
Feb 06 at 03:43 PM
The Universe(source)has a very mysterious yet profound way of leading you down the correct path.
Things you don't understand become clear 10 years after they happened but there is a reason for everything and everything has been projected with an agreement your higher-self has agreed upon long before its happened. Everything has already happened.. if you can travel to the Future
(which theoretically you can and it's been proven)
Then that would mean that everything has already happened and everything, everywhere, is all at once..if you haven't watched that movie BTW.. it's a must watch!!
Feb 06 at 03:38 PM
Shoot, I'm no longer worried about having beef with 3D physical bodies or human bodies with souls in them but rather worrying about things I can't see
so ive been sleeping with one eye open with my quartz crystal around my neck along with my nothers ashes next to me on te night stand along with 3 seperate weapons.
Feb 06 at 03:33 PM
Pretty cool little cartoon slide.. all very true and precisely on point..
Feb 06 at 03:32 PM
Help becomes avaliable when you ask for it..after you ask for it, you have to be willing to take it..and after you take it, you must be grateful for it. This is how you successfully not give up..