GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom



Apr 23 at 02:03 PM

History repeats itself correct? Right before Hitler became the dictator mass murder he was a man set a blaze a parliament building in order to bring awareness to the country about what was to come in regards of dictorial communism So The man was publicly executed on stage in front of the entire country to show the exuberant amount of power the Nazi party had obtained and what silence anyone that came against it, Max, the man that set himself ablaze outside the Trump trial basically was saying the same thing, he claimed that he had done extensive research and that there would be a government coup whereas Biden and Trump are actually one in the same, which I have explained before, Trump never left office.. he signed executive orders before the end, or what seem to be the end, of his last term, that would actually leave him making all the presidential decisions from any type of way that he deemed necessary, maybe he actually created all of this? In order to actually take over the entire government.. I mean you can't possibly think that Biden is actually the Joe Biden who once existed..? Max called himself a blaze in front of the Trump trial in order to bring awareness to a government coup that was apparently supposed to happen very soon and he warned that it was a revolution because his words were true and if you look up the definition of revolution that is exactly what it is..
(Revolution - a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system..) *** overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. Sociology. a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence. Compare social evolution. Darkness, my friends, is on the horizon. I feel as if it is inevitable.. The people are so separated that neither side will take a loss in a non-egotistical maniac way. I fear death may be on the agenda in the near future.. I also seen a press conference where John Kirby was questioned about whether or not they were going to start evacuating US citizens but basically started talking about a war outside of the United States that may spread to the United States whereas they would evacuate people in regards of that situation but I feel as if it has nothing to do with any type of war outside of the United States but rather in the United States.


Apr 22 at 05:53 AM

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That shit is crazy.. second time they've done this to me.. I literally had hard evidence on the subject.. every single part of it had factual evidence with very little speculations whatsoever.. to me, personally, them taking down my video actually proves that what I shared was absolutely true.. what I shared would either make people question the fabric of there reality or they would erupt in laughter only to make fun and call me crazy.. soooo.. sorry TikTok but I kindly disagree with your authoritarian platform.. yet they're literally speaking in Congress about Americans standing strong on not letting the government take down the app because it would be violating our wind amendment, freedom of speech, so which is it TikTok?? Freedom of speech or control of information?? As always, the elites aren't letting us share detrimental information that could potentially help humanity but rather sweet block the information.. 🖕🏽you TikTok 🖕🏽 you ByteDance.. your evil anyways. ⁹⁹⁹



Apr 21 at 03:13 PM

Always room to grow.. and learn.. always..

Apr 21 at 01:59 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 You know the most disturbing part about this whole thing is, I get it, we create our own reality and we have decisions that we make in life that dictate our reality and I completely understand that on an intellectual, spiritual, and psychological level but when you trust somebody and look up to them and ask them for advice and they blindly tell you to do something or suggest it I guess and you do it and the consequences end up being detrimental to your life Don't you think they should at least reach out to you to try and help you or at least show you some love and not reject or shun you? Because I know they see all this.. if they don't it's because they're choosing not to but like I said I don't want to blame anybody but I had no idea what I was doing and apparently neither did they as they had no business telling me to do what they told me to do whenever my first reaction was negative negative negative stay away stay away stay away. Karma. Always trust self!!


Apr 21 at 01:11 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 One day I was fine, the next day I wasn't.. it happened that fucking fast.


Apr 21 at 01:10 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 and no one else can see the shadows but me.. like if I'm in a room and I start seeing the shadows move around on the walls I will mention it to somebody and ask them if they see that and they will say no and then I will just say oh I must have been seeing something that wasn't there and carry on because people get creeped out or freaked out or refer me to a fucking mental asylum or something like that when I know it's just solely spiritual and has nothing to do with any type of hallucinations.. maybe spiritual hallucinations but not actual mental health type diagnosed hallucinations which are bullshit anyways


Apr 21 at 01:05 AM


💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 You see that creepy motherfucker!? You can see his fucking red eyes in the picture and his big ass grin and it looks kind of like devil horns coming out of its head but literally everyone I've shown this picture to can see it before I even tell them what it is and it's really impossible to not see that son of a bitch looking through my window smiling at me with its big ass red eyes.. creepy ass shit but that makes me think it's a interdimensional being that can travel interdimensionally in 3D and beyond and it kind of makes me think that it's a reptilian also, my intuition does. It will go away long enough for me to think it's gone and then it will start fucking with me again and I really don't want to deal with it anymore and I just want to be able to be positive and be myself.. on this photo hold the phone back about 2 ft from your face to see it better after you click on the photo


Apr 21 at 01:03 AM


Apr 21 at 01:03 AM


⁹N∆UTIC∆L⁹⁹⁹N0N§€N§€⁹ I'll post a couple pictures for you..


Apr 21 at 01:02 AM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 minutes later in full blown sleep paralysis in sheer panic and terrified mode while I seen a shadow moving up in the corner of the room against the back wall from corner to corner and I felt its power and energy inside of me and I kind of let it overtake me and I guess you could say invited it in and not shortly after that I became a full blown pain pill addict and dropped out of high school but what's happening right now is totally different than anything else in my life, significantly. Like maybe I felt negative sometimes but this is like full fledge spiritual warfare knowingly and unknowingly and visually and not visually but I can literally see shadows moving across my room and basically anywhere I go and birds, especially crows, have been fascinated with me and interact with me very strangely and the dreams, really really bad luck, negative reactions and social settings, so I'm not sure where it came from or why it's here but it is dire that I get rid of
