GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 20 at 05:04 PM

Yep, that all checks out with my fact checking that I've done already in the past & they created NASA in order to create atheist and separate us from God & make us believe tht we were an accident in the universe & that we are the only intelligent species in the entire universe, but it made us think we weren't special, but everything you see from NASA is CGI, they can't & haven't been able to get past the firmament, I seen an interview with Elon Musk where the interviewer asked him if he thought we would be able to obtain 0 point energy and travel to Mars in the next 10 years and he said no, not even in the next generation. Because, even if we wanted to, we can't. & I think the Nazis were mostly reptilians were definitely associated with reptilians & they infiltrated our government & took over it a long time ago, they are trying to get it back legally right now. Big mistake bringing them all over here. We were already a great nation, people were being greedy for tech & information.


Apr 20 at 04:51 PM

Cindy ghysel get out of it.. meditation is not for everybody but there is a meditation for everybody if that makes sense? There are gobs and gobs of different meditations, you can start with the guided meditations, you can access on YouTube and other video platforms, I think unified actually has some on here that you can access and start with those, but there is a range of techniques and different meditations so find the one that works best for you and hit the ground running! You can do it! I believe in you! ⁹⁹⁹

Apr 20 at 04:50 PM

Cindy ghysel reality but all in all, meditation is a fucking superpower and whenever you learn that any and all the answers you have ever wanted and needed are in your very own body mind soul and spirit the limits are literally limitless. I guess I do really deep and emotional as well as visual high-tech spiritual meditations and I connect with very divine powers that be and I feel like my senses are so strong that I can read the malevolent and the benevolent guides that I have, almost like the devil and the angel sitting on the shoulder, but they have traumatized my meditations by putting these disturbing images into my quiet sacred alone time and it's been really hard for me to meditate on that level that I was operating on but all in all, start meditating! You don't have to meditate how I do but rather do it to relieve stress and unravel that brain that is noisy.. I made meditation fun.. More creative and visual you get with it the more attached you'll get to it and the more you'll

Apr 20 at 04:46 PM

Cindy ghysel I went through that phase as well, where it was dreadful to even think about dedicating 20 to 30 minutes of my day to hyperfocus on myself, especially whenever I was drowning and problems, but after a couple weeks of learning how to focus the energy inward and listen to what my soul in higher self as well as my spirit guides were telling me, my brain became so much less noisy and everything became quiet and much easier to understand and I became receptive to the real side of me, not the ego, but the soul. So it is definitely worth practicing and doing.. practice makes perfect. I have been struggling with meditations because these entities that have attached to me hijack my meditation and put these crazy disturbing and very visual images and situations in my head which makes me immediately stop my meditation because it's uncomfortable, a lot of death and just very negative things, they have traumatized my meditation so I'm trying to figure out how to get them out of my

Apr 20 at 04:43 PM

♥︎999♥︎ here's my email.. fathertyme109@gmail.com

Apr 20 at 04:42 PM

Stephanie L yeah I'm down..

Apr 20 at 04:41 PM

Apr 20 at 04:41 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 and you never responded to my comments about detaching from these entities that have attached themselves to my soul and binded to my root chakra through some type of cutting black magic ritual.. can you explain to me how you detached or got the entities to stop fucking with you? A lot of people are fearful to talk to me about it because they don't want them to attach to them so I have just been left out in the cold all alone with no one to talk to or help me through this type of situation, I can't even get witches or black magic darker spiritual people too mess around with it, after I show them pictures and they do a reading they always get really scared and either don't respond or tell me they can't help me So I have been going through every day battling these entities and fighting for my freedom of energy But I just want to be able to relax and enjoy my higher frequential level of reality and not have to battle my way up totem pole each and every day..


Apr 20 at 04:38 PM

💥✨CREATRIX ME(LISSA)✨💥 yeah, I actually established a intellectual emotional connection in relationship with the crystal so it's really hard for me to just let it go or destroy it, it's almost like having to put a dog down that you have grown to know very well in love, that's literally how I look at it.. like a living thing. So smashing it is probably not an option and burying it, I've heard for 30 days correct? Seems like a really long time to go without a crystal so I think I will just bury it, but bury it for good and let it be part of the earth and let the earth sort out whatever mess and negative or positive energies connected with it and if somebody comes across it one day, may it be my gift to them so long as the negativity has been drained from the crystal. Ultimately, it's time to get some new rocks!


Apr 20 at 04:34 PM

Samantha within your perception and your belief system can you please explain to me why it's unlucky?? You simply just said seven is unlucky and then laughed out loud.. was it a rhetorical comment?? I'm trying really really hard to be positive these days.
