GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 26 at 05:24 PM

I will certainly check that out. Thank you for the suggestion.. and the comment..

Apr 26 at 05:23 PM

sara where is Niagara??

Apr 26 at 05:22 PM

sara You know I posted this stuff on TikTok and I had people call me crazy and tell me that I needed to get some sleep and that I was seeing things and that they just look like regular old clouds on a regular old day so I'm glad that other people are experiencing the perception as well.

Apr 26 at 05:22 PM

Aim within my intuition and higher self it's not giving me a negative type of change or shit but more or less like a neutral shift.. like the shift didn't affect anything negatively or positively but something definitely changed.

Apr 26 at 05:21 PM

Aim how do they look different to you? Like can you explain your experience? Like what does your higher self, your intuition and your spirit tell you when you look up at the clouds? Mine tell me that something is different almost like there has been a shift or a change in the atmosphere of our reality.. have you seen the movie vivarium? And that movie The clouds look exactly how they do right now in our real-time reality but they were trapped in this neighborhood whereas they could not get out but there was a sun and clouds but everything just seemed really fake.. check out that movie and it's pretty much the same type of situation, we're trapped in by the firmament as we can't get out and I've been hearing that there is actually 2-3 suns in front of our actual real sun. Also research that. All I know is that something has shifted but try to think critically and on a deeper level and let me know what you can pull out of your higherself and guides.. I'm getting change and shift.

Apr 26 at 05:16 PM

Michelle Cardenas your welcome!!


Apr 26 at 05:07 PM


(Pt 4) I said fuck it and I'll just go ahead and post all five videos so here is part 4 lol also I wanted to make a key point that I forgot to make in the video.. So this whole thing with the United States and the borders and basically people trying to destroy our country economically and financially and so many different ways it's unbelievable, but the open border policy that the Biden administration issued was actually titled the draconian immigration act whereas the reptilians came from the star system draconis which would be outside of the firmament in the 5D universe that we actually exist in.. our reality we live in now is not real and it is basically a giant computer program but outside of this there is a vast universe, I think they're going to be taking the firmament down eventually because I think that's part of the 3D matrix. But look up where the reptilians come from and what they're called and what star system they originated from.. they are literally called the draconian reptilians and the name of the act was called draconian.. literally everything you need to know is all out there but you have to search for it. You have to look for it. You have to be aware of it. You have to elevate your consciousness. You have to dig deep, for truth and nothing but the truth so help you source. 9❤️9❤️9



Apr 26 at 04:57 PM


(Pt.3) continuation of the video that that was requested and I also forgot to add into the video that the 3D matrix that has been put over Us is actually created from the Moon and there are nuclear powered frequency and vibration makers that create this 3D matrix reality that we live in so that is how they are creating the matrix and this is how they will take away the matrix.. they can only do it so fast because there are other creatures in other dimensions and other beings and entities and other dimensions as we are not used to seeing a 10-ft bull looking being with horns coming out of its head lol If I seen that I would shit my pants so that is why they are slowly releasing the 3D reality because we are 5D beings.


Apr 26 at 04:49 PM


(Pt.2) Video number two of the TikTok video that got taken down due to community guidelines violations.



Apr 26 at 04:45 PM


(Pt.1) here is the video that tiktok took down that you guys requested to see so I will just post three videos out of the 5 minutes and 55 seconds so you can get the key points.. and no I did not mean to intentionally stop the video at 5 minutes and 55 seconds.. that was completely synchronicity and what I got from it was that I need to keep making videos because something is going to happen with them in a very positive fashion. But here is the first video.. Hope you enjoy! ❤️999❤️