Keith Hicks

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Mar 25 at 12:17 PM

I dare tsl to contact me they would need to prove to me that they are not paving the way for the antichrist that they are good

Commented on Saving The Children

Feb 20 at 01:39 PM

This is sad it's tied into are government and the reason for corruption and is sponsored by those who worship Satan free /masons /luminaries initiates of the flame /Illuminati/the cabal these groups are the ones promoting this type of behavior they us it as blackmail or insurance if u will they use it for ritualistic practices sex magic  they use these kids other then sex they use these kids in sacrifices made to there gods and to harvest organs so the elites can live it's time  to put these people and there groups on blast calling them out exposing them  and bringing light in over the darkness I would even go one step further and if we never do this now later when it's to late and we are locked down then it's are own fault time is running short I say we declare war against the 13 controlling families and eradicate the Earth of them and their entire families if we dont they will us for now i would urge people to be vigilant stockpile weapons rations water first aid supplies and beaware