Keith Hicks

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Apr 02 at 09:14 AM

Anti Christ superstar

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Mar 27 at 10:50 AM

Diane King part of thalima Crowley's religion

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Mar 27 at 10:47 AM

Keith Hicks we must know what evil and pain and hurt feels like so we can gauge love it's a parallel we need both in this world unfortunately but necessarily true to understand love is to understand pain without one we can't have the other and there's times in this world or things have hurt me really bad losing a child things of that nature what I've learned is that the love I had and have it's worth every bit of that pain and I would not ever change the thing what teaches us and makes it stronger and makes those days that we are when we are happy even better if they stand out and we can know the difference we are blessed people that's all

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Mar 27 at 10:45 AM

Keith Hicks emotions can be and is why hell was never made for us because he knew that in his creation that perfect was not going to be us that we can never be perfect no matter how hard we try to be we will fail doesn't mean we're evil or bad people it just means we're not able to not sin and that sin is a part of are nature and there's not one thing that's been done underneath the Sun that you or I are not capable of doing it's in our DNA it's in our code well we must learn to do is get along I don't think the answer is a One world government far from it I think less government is better I believe that I'm judged if on anything is what's underneath the surface what are my true intentions and I do believe we come back and go back in a census is sad because we lose our memories of what we have now in our memories are important to us in another sense it's another chance at life and life is beautiful Love is the greatest emotion anybody could ever experience and too understand love and

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Mar 27 at 10:41 AM

I know only one thing that is God is real I know evil exists and I know love is real I know that are days are not garinteed and that weather you believe in God or not he gave his only begotten son other words made a blood covenant between man kind and that we are forgiven that this place they call hell is not for us but for the fallen angels that we been bought and payed for i believe humans are a rare beast that we are able to express are feeling and these feelings come with a lot of ups in down that the rest of the creation is that of what we consider logical are goal for AI we fail to realize that one day we may have programmed AI to think and feel as we do but it's impossible for them. To feel and that were unique in this ability to range emotions and feel and why God I feel entered into Jesus who was a man you walk this Earth with the same temptations that you and I go through on a daily basis the same struggles you and I go through on a daily basis and the feeling how powerful

Mar 25 at 07:35 PM

Because it's luciferian doctrine that they're preaching God Jesus was his son his only begotten son that we should have everlasting life and not perish but truth in the way is through him

Mar 25 at 07:21 PM

Becker these people up to know good listen to What they say about God and they are practicing the law of one The RA material God is real his Kingdom is real and because something seems good on the surface or appears good doesn't mean a thing we been lied to by are government for years so now these people emerge and we take what they say to be truthful look if a stranger walks up to you do u trust him or her trust is earned and these two forces good and evil have had a head start long before we where even thought of so there good at disguising a lie as the truth and ets are not from outerspace but rather fallen Angels the watchers I'll be deceived people read your Bible open up your minds pray to see the truth try to see the miracles that only God can perform may God be with you


Mar 25 at 07:11 PM

sarah I lossed a child there years ago do from complications of a house fire truly the hardest thing I ever been Thur she was almost two and I watch her die in the hospital right in front of me I had to learn that with love comes pain and if I knew the outcome of what would happen I would go Thur it again because she was worth loving love is are greatest gift no matter how bad it hurt she was worth going Thur that pain to know her and have the time I had with her was the best time in this life when for a moment wasn't I king so if we come back it's not torture because life is hard but there is beauty in the pain God speed friend


Mar 25 at 07:02 PM

Forgot to ad rothchild, gates, I can't think of all there names but the 13 families that control everything and work for Lucifer


Mar 25 at 06:58 PM

Antichrist superstar meets lies lies and lies
