Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Mar 30 at 08:57 AM

What i learned from all my experiences is that it have to do a lot with acceptance .the fastest you accept something the fastest you can move on. If somebody gets hurt the question that pops up is why .

A lot of people get stuck at that point because they cant accept it because it is not right but even when it is not right try to accept that truth because the moment you do that you are able to move on!!!

If you can do that you have gained yourself a real power because in life sometimes you have to let go .



Replied on Good read here.

Mar 30 at 08:33 AM

Cindy ghysel the afterlife investigations about the scolar group in england


Replied on Good read here.

Mar 30 at 08:32 AM

♥︎999♥︎ you go home when you die.

Home where al the people and pets are that you love,even if they are still alive here on earth ,they are there too because in reality we are still there dreaming that we are here.

They say when we die there will be somebody who is waiting to come get you,you will be re United whith your soul family and friends. then you will be going to some kind of live review of all the things you done,good and bad but the part that is interesting about this is that you are gonne experience it from the other persons point of view,meaning when you have hurt somebody you gonne feel how they feeled that moment. Then you gonne see if you lived up to your contract and then it is time to heal and you can stay there how long as you want until you decide to do a other reincarnation here on earth as whatever you want or even in a other world,realm or even time.

If you wanne see a great documentary about proof of life after death there is one one Gaia.The afterlife investiga


Mar 30 at 08:02 AM




Mar 30 at 07:57 AM

♥︎999♥︎ you know this trick too😁😁😁.

A few years back i had a bit of a gambling problem ,when you opend a account in the online casino they used to give you like 25 euro as welcome gift,i maked a few accounts to play , changing a letter in my name, i even had find a app on the internet who makes (Rijksregister nummers) i dont know how you say it in English,but then one time i won about 7000 euro but i could not cash it because the info i put up was not correct. That was a slap in the face from karma. They even banned me because you may only have one account in a household😁😁😁


Commented on 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Mar 30 at 07:35 AM

I do hope soooo✌️👍♥️


Mar 30 at 07:34 AM

If i read the characteristics yes very much but from every race i have a few but i think i resonated the most with Sirius.


Mar 30 at 07:14 AM

#655321 can i ask what you mean with splitting between 6?✌️

Mar 30 at 07:05 AM

Stay safe,i hope you are oke. I saw youre name already few times liking something that i posted. Where can i find info about endometriosis awernes because i dont know what that is. ✌️✌️✌️


Commented on Whoah... 😮😲

Mar 29 at 07:37 PM

