Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Feb 28 at 12:21 PM

♥︎999♥︎ i think that he was taken to inner earth , because. He went true a dark tunnel before he entered that place, there is a sun there ,maybe artificiële but that doesn't matter, i would also be more logic than between all that ice on the surface suddenly a green place and a warm climate


Feb 28 at 12:06 PM

He had all the banks,oil,gas etc , i think he was de top or one off the top,it depends now if he has children and if they as rotten as he is and how greedy he was i think


Feb 27 at 11:13 AM

L.M.B different documentaires on Gaia and you tube. I saw a lot of documentary about al sorts of things, from ancient civilizations,al the docu of dr greer, near death experience,things about religion, after a time it all falls in place and you know what is Wright and whats not,the most that i learned that is true is from Gaia, the shows cosmic disclosure, into the vortex, beyond belief,ancient civilizations,sacred geometry are full of knowledge


Feb 26 at 12:45 PM

Boom....... There he is😊😊😊

Feb 26 at 12:41 PM

I am from belgium and the connection to the internet is horrible sometimes the last 2 weeks, i think it is because of the solar flares, and they are coming more and more powerful so that doesn't look good for my connection to unifyd tv😱😭😊

Feb 26 at 07:01 AM

♥︎999♥︎ i thought of something, i did not look at the other two yet but if the e.t. would come from other places but bound to this earth would they not look all like us then, we cant change the universal laws,so why are there so much different size and forms in the e.t.

About Antarctica,there lives a race there, kapitein bird in w.o.2 was flying away from the Germans while he was above antartica and suddenly he had no control over his plane anymore and his plane was led to a beautiful place full with trees ,a lot of green ,in antartica but they wont nothing to do with us because we are destroying this earth,i believe in inner earth races too but also in outer spaces races,even from outer galaxy and in interdimensionels as well


Feb 25 at 04:25 PM

A big one for me also is why would ray and Jason lie to us about it, that dont make sense🤔😔🤨


Feb 25 at 04:20 PM

I already lookt at level with me, the guys in there are credible but what if the truth would be still a bit different, first,i am not a sheep and i dont believe the flat earth theory because i heard it different and that resonated with me, i know there is a firmament and that is put there by the Galactic federation so the reptiles could not escape earth in the past, the firmament will go away the moment they earth is going to spin like the other planets again ,it is because we are turning counterwise that the firmament is so dense,that is also why we are in 3D because we used to be in 5D.the earth turning normal is the 5D.They are talking about the inner core and i also heard that there were aliens working on the inner core to make the shift to the 5 D smooth as possible for us , i have it on video, it is from cosmic discloser on Gaia and it is about an upcoming poleshift . I will try to put it on here,so you can watch it. I am going to look to the other two docu now✌️✌️✌️


Feb 25 at 03:55 PM

Yesterday i had a live group meeting with matt Fraser thru zoom and the connection was terrible,it said network unstable, in 1 h i had to reconnect about 10 times,the sound was also terrible. I paid for the upcoming livestream event here and now i am worried that it will also be like this and that ,i dont know how they are gonne wake up are dormant DNA but will this be possible whit my network falling away all the time, it is not my computer ,it works great normally but i think it is because of the sun flares . Do you guys from unifyd have this covert that the connection will be oke??or are you guys also hoping for the best?

Feb 25 at 03:41 PM

Roslyn Halperin you saw the movie too? The obamas made this? I did not look at the end for a name ,i assumed because it would be made by a white hat that the name would not be right anyway and i dont think it is made by the obamas✌️✌️✌️