Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Apr 05 at 10:14 AM

Daddy Dragon i know 😊 that is your fullest right , that is what makes you you.👍👍👍

Apr 05 at 03:32 AM

♥︎999♥︎😁😁😁 a flying cow😁😁😁

I hope i have a wolf, i think it would be a wolf. I love dogs soo deeply. I do love all animals and would rescue every single one of them,yesterday in the park i helped a few snails , don'l laugh,they where in the middel of the path and i pickt them up and put them in the grass the other side because if there was more people,it was at night ,they would get walked over. But a dog, if you turn it around you have god. The only species in my opinion that is capable of giving unconditional love and yet so many dogs and animals suffer. Like 21 of juni, summer solstice in yule in China you have a all you can eat dog festival where there really get tortured because then there meat is softer, it makes me soooo fucking angry, 1000 of dogs get killed,tortured over there. It cursed the summer solstice for me because it hurts when i think about them. Torturing such innocent beings only for softening the meat. Discusting

Apr 05 at 03:05 AM

I like it✌️✌️✌️

Apr 05 at 02:57 AM


Apr 05 at 02:57 AM

I already know now, 6pm is here midnight

Apr 04 at 03:22 PM

Sarah anne lee i send you the video, it called comic discloser, it had to be cosmic disclosure so dont think that it is a joke, it is me who forgot the s.

The quality is not the best because i recorded it with my tablet from the television. It is really interesting.

Tell me when you saw it oke?

Apr 04 at 08:20 AM

Sarah anne lee i will put a link in a few hours,sorry just see your message

Apr 04 at 08:18 AM

Hey guys, you know that we can influence realiteit with our mind. When the things start to go bad we must visualize that these things already stopt but really believing it too, it want be easy because we while be scared but if we can in that moment control the fear and together see these things stop, i think we will be fine, i will put a link to a video of this in a few hours, it can also be used for when things go bad with the eclipses. Try to share with as much people possible because we will need a lot of people .

We can do this,i know we can ✌️✌️✌️

Apr 04 at 08:08 AM

Cindy ghysel it was about bitcoin,it is true that i registerd years ago for a few of these accounts and then normally you have to put 250 euro to open to activate the account. That i never did because i simply did not trust it, i got tons of emails over the years from the different accounts saying you have that much money, put 250 euro to activate the account and you will be able to retrieve youre money, that was just advertisement to get me activate the account i thought because when i would do that it will just start with the 250 i put in. So i never did but this time it was a lady that could me saying that i had a account and when i put on 500 euro i could retrieve the money but she had the password of the account that was on my name and the reason i didn't do it is because she called on my new telephone number and that was not the number i had put op the registration years ago , she works with some kind of portfolio platform she said . Anyway ,i did not do it , ✌️✌️✌️

Apr 01 at 10:42 AM

The problem is not always lack of self-esteem, or not believing in yourself, i dont have problem with that, i know that i am unique person because i choose to be so and everybody is unique in his/her way but people not always gonna appreciate that, that is what is going wrong in the most part in my life. People dont like to get confronted with there own flaws and i dont do this on purpose but it seems like i have that effect on people, so i dont have a lot of friends ,most people just know me if they need something from me so you can known yourself and be a strong and good person.

If you dont really have somebody to share yourself with you are nothing and that does effect you big time so what i really wanne say with this is that the problem not always is yourself

It can also be outside of you, society does have a big effect on us,no matter how strong you are
