Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Mar 29 at 02:58 PM

So honest and beautiful ♥️♥️♥️

Mar 26 at 01:51 PM

Daddy Dragon , Wauw, i wish i could do it also

Mar 24 at 01:57 PM

Cindy ghysel Yeah because i am Dutch ,i am still learning to read and Wright English so because of that i sometimes mis in the context, but i do liked the way you turned the numbers and words around



Mar 24 at 12:26 PM

Does anybody know something about David Monroe, marylin Monroe her nephew.
He has a lot of projects, like the Orion lines and he also wants to make the world a better place and has a private zoo with wild animals he saved from pochers.
At least that is what he told me.
He started to reply on my post on Facebook and said he could feel my energy across the globe😊😊😊
He wanted me to play in his next movie and become his assistant with all of his projects 😊😊😊
I. Dont trust him,there is something off when i look at his post,
I think he is cabal but sometimes i do misjudge people so maybe somebody knows a bit more about this guy. I dont really follow celebrities, not my kind of people in a way but i would love to work with animals,so is there somebody who has a bit of info about this


Mar 23 at 07:18 PM

Can i ask why you took this name?

Are you a dragon in the Chinese Zodiac?

I am,i am a fire dragon and i also love them

I want one, a nice white one i would love to have.

I am also a Capricorn, and i saw on a documentary that the white dragons ,if i am not mistaken they where the first beings in the universe and they helped to shape the planets and so. They came from Saturn, me too so maybe i had one or i was one in a other life ,who knows anyway they are gorgeous ❣️❣️❣️


Mar 23 at 12:32 PM

Sherif Osman dont need assistance but thank you for asking


Mar 23 at 08:52 AM

Sherif Osman fuck,i just noticed something😐🤨😐


Mar 23 at 08:44 AM

It is the intention that count ,yes what you say is true but he went against that and changed the evil back to the good. 😊😊😊


Mar 22 at 05:52 PM

Noo, you guys are changing him into a marvel???!!!!


Mar 22 at 05:48 PM

I cant find the transformation event replays back in my account,where can i find them?