Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am


Feb 06 at 02:34 PM
Verry interesting ,everything about and what is possible with the Grand solar Flash 2024

Feb 05 at 06:38 PM

♡999♡ i heard that we would be paralized for 3 days or so but be aware of everything that happens around us, the veil would be lifted so we could see family members that passed away but also demons ,angels and all the beings of the 4th dimension, that was also the reason why you could not be negative or afraid because you would immediately manifest the things you create. it will be hard to not panick if you are paralized for 3 days but it is better then what we learned in school,there they tell us that we would be catapulted from the earth because of the loss of the magnetic field,everybody is looking out for this ascension, if it is so dramatic i dont understand why then.



Feb 05 at 05:01 PM

Some music because we forgetting to often. That we also excist out of frequentie and that there is great power in sounds.

Feb 05 at 04:41 PM

Oke,i want to know how big the impact will be with the solar outbursts from the central sun, if it is true that it will make people crazy when negative or even awaken abillitys like telepathy or telekinese when they are positive and the second thing i wanne know is if it is true that there is a crustal poleshift coming around the year 2026 but that we can control with are minds how big the impact will be

Thank you

Feb 05 at 12:03 PM

Milan Jus ik am glad that things and you are oke, i know that a lot of people still live by the rule of devide and concer but that is where you can be the difference by not being like that also,

Stay safe,ok? Bye


Feb 04 at 04:44 PM

Milan Jus looks like you are not going to get your help here, sounds scary,what you are going true,i dont know what you can do,going to some other witch or somebody that knows the occult,so you can at least protect you against it, it is not because you helped yourr friend,it is because you went with him to that person that said you must call him father and you accepted something from him,why you did that, you provoked it, these things are no game,i think you realise by now,i hope you find the help you need and that you are oke but i dont think TLS will help you,they cant because of our free will, Jason explained that even , they can only interfer when the human race existince is in danger. So ...stay strong Milan


Feb 03 at 08:16 PM

So.... You too heh😔


Feb 02 at 08:12 PM

So that were the 3 storys that can happen in our near future, i believe the 3 storys because they come from credible sources but they can be wrong also some time and i dont think it will happen all 3 or does it? What do you think people and if you know what is what please tell me,i would love you for it, i really like to know what is what,


Feb 02 at 08:04 PM

In the year 2026 there would be a poleshift, you have 3 kinds of poleshifts,you have a magnetic poleshifts,that means that the suns north became south and vice versa ,that happens every 11 year,then you have a crustal poleshifts that happens once every 300.000 years ,this one is dangerous because then the north really becomes the south and there are earthquake,tsunami and all those disaster, the other one i dont know anymore but in 2026 it would be a crustal poleshift and because there are so many people still a sleep,they dont know what it gonne give,they say that it depends a lot about our mind, if we panick it will be a disaster ,i we stay positive then we will be okay, so maybe then it is good that people are still a sleep because if they dont know they cant panick also, in ancient times people were prepared for this, look at gobekli tipe, or the caves find al over the world, and imagen that the ant people would wanne help us, people would run if they see them or worse kill them,

Feb 02 at 07:36 PM

The second story i hear is that ,we know by now that the earth is evolving and we are evolving with her, we are getting bombardet for the moment with energys from the outburst of the central sun ,that is why they are chemtrailing because they know that these outbursts upgrade us, that means when you are positive, they did some test with these rays,they put some people in a room and filled the room with these rays and the negative people become crazy , rolled up in a corner and went true hell,the positive people were feeling blissful and become suddenly telepathic or could move thing with there mind. The place were we move to with the earth ascending is filled with these energys,that was story 2 or rabithole 2, is somebody knowing what i am talking about,? is this true? And then i have one last rabithole that i heared.