Cindy ghysel

Ostend, Belgium

i am who i am

Feb 02 at 07:18 PM

There will be something happening that is for sure but i hear so many different versions from credible people that i get confused what is what, like there is a theory that are globe spins in the wrong direction and that would cause 3D,the aliens that are here to help us would slow down the earth, make it stop and make it turning again but in the other way, and then we would be in the 5D because then we would turn the way we suppose to turn, that is one story,did anybody also hear something like this or know more about this?

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Feb 02 at 06:36 PM


Commented on post was deleted

Feb 02 at 06:36 PM

Do you guys see the picture because i just see a blanco screen

Feb 02 at 05:53 PM

Michelle Cardenas you sure that they know the truth,dr greer is convinst that even the president dont know the whole true,i doubt that because they come together in bohemian grove once a year, but it is not really the president of the military that we must have ,the biggest poison are the Rockefellers and that small 1%, they must go but how do you do that,putting them in a rocket and sending them to the central sun and let them deal with their feelings, looks like a good punishment i think


Feb 02 at 05:44 PM

I also think it is something like that, the only thing that makes me doubt a bit of that maybe they were real aliens is that they said they looked confused , maybe it was them selfs testing if we are ready for open contact. I would react the same as you ,i would go to them and i would say where have you been al my life 😁😁😁, no not that but i would go to them and ask if they were alright


Jan 29 at 02:18 PM

I know him from beyond belief,the show on gaia, he is a truth seeker but if he has something to do with TLS, in a way i doubt that but it is possible, he is on the same side anyway


Jan 29 at 02:07 PM

lee sherman don't worry, i do


Jan 29 at 02:03 PM

Yes i know and i dont think the introduction will happen smooth, i hope are starfriends have a few tricks up there sleeve to protect them against such psycopaths when they do open discloser,maybe it is best that they will do it by surprise one day because when it is annouced the psycopaths can prepare an attack ,but they are smarter then us so i think they will figure something out,i know i am ready for contact and patience is not my strongest point 😁😁😁


Jan 14 at 10:36 AM

Are you Dutch speaking because boodschapper is messenger in dutch


Jan 14 at 10:34 AM

I even did not wanted to look at this BS

Think logic people,why would aliens do something like this

If people saw aliens then they were surely men made,dont direct fall for such thing.

Do we believe in them that they are benevolent or not, food 4 tought.