Bee Aye

Sane people? Or Crazy people?

No wait , don’t tell me …rotflmao

Ok I’m done this is getting a bit old

Huh? And this message board sucks . Someone replies and you need to hunt for it ..2 thumbs down in a circle with half a snap


Holy then I read the replies… o don’t know peoples you’re starting to worry me

Cory do not worry about it. There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind. I sure do.

It’s because it’s so rediculous it’s hard to make a serious argument. You have to stop laughing first and then when you start picking it apart you soon realize you’d be here all day!

She’s saying there would be that irritating thing they want all the time when it comes to these things …it’s called evidence. You know things that are measurable ect ect . Silly little details like that are missing.

I mean even when it comes to making up the story; its lazy writing , it just gathers up everyone’s crazy theories and crams it together.

Myself, I couldn’t even get past the awful acting when he was channeling the American Werewolf in London :)

It’s also refreshing to see people thinking

So when people comment it shows up in my notifications but then I click on the person in the notification and all it does is bring me to the top of “all” the comments . Useless ! I’m not messing around I am being serious that is a complete pita (pain in the…)

She obviously has not read my comments :)

Easy answer. It’s “just” entertainment. I mean I’m having a blast in the comments lol


Need to turn the music up, you can still hear him lol