Bee Aye

This is so so so funny! Comedy?

Nov 21 at 12:25 PM

Yes, unless your sane …if your even a tiny bit sane you start laughing and cannot stop for a good 20 min . I had to rinse my face I was literally laughing “so” hard I started to cry lol

Nov 21 at 12:20 PM

Bee they are idiots give it up

Nov 21 at 12:20 PM

Need to pay more LOLOLOL

Nov 21 at 12:19 PM

They don’t work for nothing fool or excuse me Suzy Werry again you brain dead ??

Nov 21 at 12:18 PM

They are arguing for the sake of arguing and they know they are not being rational. If your rational your probably not in here…Hey!!!!!! lol that must mean me too lol

Nov 21 at 12:16 PM

The app gets 25$ from everyone every month fool …man you guys can be “B-r-a-I-n dead …my lord

Nov 21 at 12:15 PM

lol can anyone say , fool ?

Nov 21 at 12:15 PM

Bc it’s a scam fool …duh!

Nov 21 at 12:13 PM
