Michelle Reyes

Ewing, NJ, United States

Dec 18 at 12:13 PM

Awakening never really ends and many go through stages grief,anger,confusion,empathy, depression, anxiety, happiness, bliss,joy,every emotion and this is TRUELY normal and the most important thing is to have like minded souls with you to talk help and be supportive to you you are not alone you are Beautiful

Dec 18 at 12:08 PM

Sweetheart its the soul that incarnates by choice to come here have pre planned experience and also awaken its not anyone's fault you chose to incarnate here we all did we just suffer amnesia at birth also pre planned this is a gift I know how you feel my awakening has been tough and lonly striving to find compassionate like minded beautiful souls all is love I started awakening very very young and I suppressed it most of my life everything you know is for a reason I take medication not proud I went on recently because my symptoms were so severe and had no one like minded I could talk to don't feel ashamed or any negative about yourself or our Beautiful Souls At Our UNIFYD Family we are blessed to be here sweetheart

Dec 18 at 11:40 AM

Rachael strever how can I be of service to you Rachel? How can I help you?

Dec 18 at 11:37 AM

OperationQ how can I be of service?


Dec 18 at 10:30 AM

Its so sick the mind wants to not believe sometimes... But I know its TRUE


Commented on post was deleted

Dec 18 at 10:28 AM

Laughter and Joy are the best MEDICINE!!! It can get you through some really tough times and heals:)

Dec 18 at 10:25 AM

I can't wait for the EBS!!! That's what's needed...

Dec 18 at 10:24 AM

Caleb I know the EBS will be broadcast SOON!!! Too many refused to Awaken...And/Or just don't understand we are watching a white hat movie to help wake up the "Normie's" it gets confusing who is who though... I can't wait for the EBS!!!

Dec 18 at 10:20 AM

Akhi please watch here @UNIFYDTV God Bless You

Dec 18 at 09:07 AM

Awww I'm sorry sweet heart, you will prevail!!! New doors will open when you least expect it and you are with like-minded Soul's here!!!
