Michelle Reyes

Ewing, NJ, United States

Dec 14 at 05:38 PM


Dec 14 at 10:50 AM


Dec 14 at 10:42 AM

:) Thank you,Blessings to you!

Dec 14 at 10:40 AM

Love This:)

Replied on Helping others

Dec 14 at 02:04 AM

Rachael strever I would love to!!!

Commented on post was deleted

Dec 14 at 02:01 AM


Dec 13 at 07:01 PM

Akhi nature is the best Mother Gaia's Love


Can you communicate with your higher-self?


Dec 13 at 06:47 PM

Akhi The EES system is very powerful God Bless You!


Dec 13 at 06:44 PM

Abbey Skinner it is the perfect addition after EES sessions but EES alone is very powerful too!