Huawei Huawei

Poor Americans, if you want to save the world you must disappear. All wars, terrorism and evil comes from USA. You can try to manipulate your own people but not educated rest of the world. I believe you live in different dimension, most people believe you live in different world of mind but when you hit a wall of reality, it will be painful

I can control the weather, I do remote viewing, I can be invisible, I can leave bubbles with energy but I can't handle the money... People don't pay any money, watch and learn but don't pay


Remote viewing super easy. Where I am? What do you see? Make me believe

Jan 03 at 05:45 AM

"The money" totally agree with Chad. All interviewed people here have businesses running with beautiful houses. Awakened wanting support everyone, TLS multi universal agency don't have funds to support their own mission? CIA never complained about money. The money... again


Dec 16 at 02:05 AM

But the point is we're talking about higher civilization not about God. New World Order plan is old, created by people who died. Next generation trying to keep up, but please USA 50 years ago was smart. Today is pathetic, they try to look like kings with army around the globe and scary stories from space. They are blinded with money, drugs and greed. Combine all three and you have psychopaths not Order players. USA is on the edge of war, Russia or China will not act childish. USA live in imagination of they own mind, Russia, China and many other countries are very patient but if USA will carry on biting big dogs something terrible will happen

Dec 15 at 10:23 PM

The only value is love, share love, love it the answer... Highly evolved entities want to teach people how to love each other. Beautiful world in psychological games. These "entities" watching our planet for many, many years apparently. They have seen wars, tyrany and all this kind of shit that people do to other people, children or animals too. They have been watching and didn't react? I'm sorry but love would do something, love is compassion, love is giving everything what's best out of yourself.

If you see death, child abuse, war and do nothing - you don't know what love is.

This is all fake with true stories of some kind to make more believable. Psychopaths runs news in television and same psychopaths runs this this type of websites to explain all mistakes they do to people asking questions. Manipulations is everywhere, absolutely everywhere. If you want truth you need to disconnect yourself from any source of information and think.

Dec 15 at 07:59 PM

A message to New World Order psychopaths

You want to rule, you want to owe everyone and everything because in your sick mind this possible. You planned it well, most people have been brainwashed, you have successfully completed this part of your plan. But I can assure you, some people and countries are resistant. Russia surprised you?

This plan was good, but not perfect. You will keep going, you will push and push but you playing with fire and at the end only destruction will be yours. Destruction of your country

Dec 15 at 07:32 PM

A massage to New World Order psychopaths and people watching this:

Don't believe in everything, listen and puzzle it out by yourself.

New World Order plan is real. Fake news, fake COVID is real, psychological war is real. But making so complex plan, you need to take under consideration that something might go wrong. These psychopaths know that, 90% of people believe in news or covid and will follow government till the end.

But 10% will see lies, will see manipulation and will try to pull it out. But how to manipulate smarter people? To make this plan successful, they need everyone to believe.

And this what see here is created for people who don't believe. For people who have knowledge, for problematic people with brain.

But how to get rid of smart people? Quite easy, tell them truth. Tell them everything and act like you with them, until they stop looking and ask questions. Pretend to be on their side, help them, support them... Make them believe

Dec 15 at 01:52 AM

After watching this sickness, I really don't understand where we peaple are. Right on the bottom sick creatures doing sick things to childrens, above us "highly evolved creatures" with power and tech to stop it, decide to watch how children suffering and getting killed in so much pain 😔 for hundreds of years.

Government will take everything from you, but same government will set you free in benefits for your freedom.

Highly evolved or government or other way round?
