
Boston, MA, United States

Aug 08 at 11:30 AM

❤️🙏 I wish you many blessings to you and all others in need.

Aug 08 at 11:28 AM

Agree. I feel able to speak my truth without fear of judgement or being brushed aside or not believed or being looked at as crazy. Or unloved.


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Aug 07 at 12:06 AM

Human and animal. In spirit. Many times throughout my life. Mostly when I was younger and in need of protection


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Aug 04 at 08:56 PM

They love the belly rubs ❤️

Jul 30 at 12:29 AM

Listen and learn from all your senses. Trust your gut give yourself time to think deeply Be still and feel. Let knowledge come to you.


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Jul 30 at 12:13 AM

Dream and awake state ❤️


Jul 30 at 12:06 AM

I am much older. Looking back I feel I was fortunate to have animal and ancestors in spirit protecting me.as well as family. I have many comforting memories of my childhood animal friends. I so appreciate the unified family. As I am older and many of my family is in spirit now. I love my home near nature now as many wildlife friends pass through my backyard.


Jul 28 at 10:34 AM

Because of my childhood trauma/abuse I have had struggles with anxiety. The videos on meditation and breath work. Maybe give a try. I loved the breath work. Really helped to focus. And was relaxing. Best of luck an much love to you.

Jul 20 at 09:59 AM

They know you see them for what they are. And they can’t control you. At least that’s how it is for me. 😊🙏❤️

Jul 18 at 09:51 AM

“The meek shall inherit the earth “