
Boston, MA, United States

Sep 18 at 07:22 AM

Interesting ❤️ are your roots in Australia? My grandfather was born/ lived in Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania till he came to America for University and met my grandmother.


Sep 17 at 02:37 PM

Yes. On a certain level of my being they have always existed. As a small child I played with them


Sep 16 at 08:53 AM

Been wondering same for quite some time…. I had/ have a strong connection to my grandfather. I was a young teen when he passed. I had strong connections to him in spirit. Felt him around me/ protecting me. When I was older this stopped. I always wondered if he reincarnated

Sep 13 at 11:48 PM

So curious. So many questions. What is the process for animals I think Ray mentioned animals were in the earth planet only!? I

Have probably as many/ or more animal soul connections than human (also nature including creatures)). If animals are only earthly bound. Do they just keep reincarnation? What about Buddhist beliefs of having animal past lives. My grandmother always talked about the happy hunting grounds when animals pass. ❤️.

Sep 13 at 03:03 PM



Sep 13 at 08:35 AM

What about cardiac arrest. Brought back by CPR/and or electric shock. And put on life support? Could this just be humans/ medical technology interfering with natural law Being the person had / was ready to pass on. In some native cultures when they are ready to pass they know. My grams lived to 100 years. One morning she didn’t get up from her bed. My dad called her doctor he came to the house to check on her. And she asked him to help her die He said he could not. My father sat with her and 10 minutes later she took her last breath. My grandmother never went to hospitals/ clinics. She gave birth to 7 children in that bed , and she passed peacefully at home 🙏❤️

Sep 11 at 12:02 PM

Being born in my current life on this planet. Earth is/ was a beautiful place ( nature-animals). Sad to see what the human race has done So much hate and destruction.

Sep 10 at 01:17 AM

Wondering same thing. I have had many surgeries in this life. Last one a major open heart surgery where I was put the cryogenic chamber then heart bypass pump and under anesthesia for over 5 hours. My mother said I seemed different after. Also interesting was later I had clearer memories of past child s**ual abuse. Also with help of my adult daughter I was able to work through self guilt and forgive myself for a lot of past trauma.


Sep 07 at 09:16 PM

I can relate to your story. I am in my 70s. And never felt like I fit in anywhere except with nature. No I’m not a hermit recluse. I’ve actually lived a good productive successful life . I knew early on I was different. And my family was different and to not talk much. It was a unspoken thing. My grandmother was Native American which She never talked about openly. Trying to just blend it. I feel uncomfortable even now talking about my journey in life. But am grateful for this community. And appreciate everyone being so transparent with their stories. I feel less alone in the human world. Thank you. 🙏❤️


Sep 07 at 08:04 PM

I don’t remember how old I was. I was a small child. I could communicate by my thoughts with animals. Looking back I feel my grandparents could do the same. My early years I spent a lot of time on a lake in the woods. Spent most of time alone or at my grandparents cabin. Feels like I was born in a rabbit hole .