
Boston, MA, United States

Jun 03 at 10:41 PM

Karen OmG I really have been rambling!!! Sorry.

Jun 03 at 10:40 PM

As a small child very often same reacuring dream I had fears of dark and trouble sleeping. The dream was of a monster with red eyesa lying in my bed at my feet. Just there watching me. When I was a teenager and my grandpapu had died some years earlier I lived with my gramma. I was dream wake and my grandparents two tiger cats were ontop of me in bed purring. Except Holly and Buster (the cats) had passed on for many years. I have always had a strong connection with nature and animals all my life. I am older now. A bit older in years. Looking back I know I was connected to my gramma and grampapu even when thay passed on. I felt there protection with me when alive and when they were in spirit. Looking back I no longer feel the red eyed monster was a nightmare by my spirit animal. A bengal tiger. I have many stories of awake sleep visions and seeing things . I have never been trusting to talk about this I feel this comes from my gramma who was Native American wanting to hide never talk about it and blend it . I learned so much from her just by being near her in life. And feel I continue to learn in spirit. I can’t explain in words. I don’t like talk so much. As people misinterpet so much Is better to feel things. Energy. When I talk to much and try to express unspoken things I start to ramble on.


Jun 02 at 11:21 PM

UNIFYD TV or a truth seer. I knew from the start no way getting jabbed. Sticking to natural old way of medicine. Always very suspicious and untrusting of tha new medicine ways. Always knew that from ancestors. But always wanting to know more…how would you say that??? A wanting to knower. Seer. 🙏❤️


Jun 02 at 02:54 PM

❤️ I think you are correct. It was a difficult recovery for me. Fears of dying and not being here with my Two small children at the time. Took about a year to feel myself again. My mother mentioned that I had changed ❤️. Thank you for sharing/ talking Debra. It is very helpful


Jun 02 at 02:39 PM

Sorry typo. Gramma we Native American.

Jun 02 at 02:37 PM

OMG!!! Is the Silva method ( use to call it Silva Mind Control) still around??? I had wanted to ask on this site. A bit unsure to ask/ talk from my upbringing on being told to not talk about such knowledge/ abilities. From my grandmother (she was naive American) I took a course in the method as a teenager just in college in 1971. Then again a second course .Always wanting to learn more about my family’s natural abilities about spiritual abilities, and natural medicine I learned from them. Always wanting to learn more. ❤️🙏

Jun 02 at 12:07 PM

❤️🙏 I don’t know the details of your NDE. Don’t know if my experience would be considered as one. But I did have a intense belief I was born again. I was born with a heart deformity. When I was in my 40’s it became serious that I would die if not had extensive surgery.( my body was put in a cryochamber( frozen) aortic arch repaired and put into a bypass for 5 hours and my heart valves replaced and repaired. Took me about a year to recover went through many intense emotions. Some one asked me what I liked to do that made my happy. And to do it every day. So I got out side walked everyday up and down my street down to the marsh river and turned around back up the hill/ woods to my house. What ever makes you happy. It’s different for everyone. I can’t imagine what you went through. But do know how you must feel. I will pray and send you blessings. I know you will get/ feel better You are loved and are here for a reason. You are a strong person. 🙏❤️


May 27 at 11:18 AM


May 25 at 11:03 AM

Maybe how you relate to the words and the meaning of them on a deeper personal level. 🙏❤️ including what you may be going through or where you’re at at the moment in on your life journey. Your wishes goals or maybe a message from a loved one. For you to see 😘❤️

May 25 at 10:55 AM

Romance Star Love. I do love star gazing in the black of night. Wether I’m out camping, walking outside or in my bedroom looking out all the windows/ glass slide/ or skylight in roof 😍