Jesse Town

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Dec 17 at 04:57 PM

I elaborated on my dmt journey 10 years ago, that I went through diamond shaped portals, after I recalled may have been pyramids with a 2d shadow… and colours that don’t exist yet, hies of red that are alive imo

Dec 17 at 03:56 AM

Dec 16 at 06:20 PM

Lastly as I’m writing a novel here 🤣

I hope others are interested in sharing information. I believe, now that I can be “calm” and see things “out of mind” and compartmentalize thought process… that others can do this too. I don’t want to convince or persuade, I want to provide information and LEARN FROM OTHERS. Bless y’all for the info you provide. I have retrained my EMOTIONAL TRUE NORTH TO REACT WITH LOVE 💕 OVER FEAR! 🙏

Love will show me the path to truth, anyone who wants to know more please lmk.


Dec 16 at 06:17 PM

Keeping in mind, I went 29 years unmedicated. I feel i was at a point where if I will give up on a 6 figure job during covid.. I’ll try anything to feel at ease in my soul.

I associate the Effexor with moderating emotion… the neurofeedback I explain as having a similar effect to “microdosing mushrooms”. All you do is listen to headphones with probes in your scalp. Music plays and I believe skips when I have a “thought loop” or maybe a type of “hyperfocus”. Anyways, after neuroF… it’s almost like a day if “nirvana”, I liken it to the overstimulated feeling after a good cry, or a work out for the brain 💪. Of the last two years trying out neuro feedback therapy, it’s allowed me to take control of my brain. My motto from my 4yr old brother has always been “Jesse, don’t let your brain control you”. I treasure that msg. The past year, I have gone 1-2 times per week. I started out with asking myself. “Can i articulate thought process?”, a question I bet most people have issue


Dec 16 at 06:10 PM

I have left a very very succesful career of networking and riding the “reward system” into a place where the world just turns, I’m not focused on the next sale, and allowed me to take my mental health into my own hands. My whole life has been my “brain” using these tools not of my own intellectual design to get through ANXIETY, and protect me… now these tools of compulsion, involved raising my internal “revs” let’s call them. In turn, my reactions and thought speed go so incredibly fast, I don’t have time or control to focus on triggering memories and was a means to protect my mind. I’m not promoting big pharmacy, BUT my addictions dr prescribed me Effexor and I went on my own to try neuro feedback with my little brother. I wish I could say I tried neuroF unmedicated so I can attest that all the benefits are neuro related but I believe in truth.

So I started them both in the same month, I can proudly say… for two years, my anxiety has digressed to a point of loving myself ❤️


Dec 16 at 06:04 PM

I have lived most of my 35 years in planet, living in a chaotic addiction to “fight or flight”. I am neurodivergent, and have always been connected to other realms. The overstimulation, engrained into my programming I believe is rooted in this stigmatized “dissociative state” I’m which my “brain” would take control from my “mind”. My brain is emotional feeling and my mind is intellect, to be vague….

I had overcome my “high func autistic” internalized symptoms into 17 yrs of bleeding ulcers and 10-28 weeks of prednisone per year from 12yo. Around 14yo, my “brain” decided internalized ocd and let’s say my “obsessive compulsive” thought process became externalizer… showing adhd symptoms, these compulsions if triggered would become impulsive reactions. For 15 years I lived in fight or flight as a commission based commodity sales rep. I’m 2 years removed as I’ve had issues of addiction(drs gave fullybregillsnle opistes scripted from 12-26yo) my career put me in an unsafe position.


Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Dec 16 at 05:31 PM

I believe neurofeedback, is a way we can break down these ptsd compulsions from constant overstimulation. It allows me to connect with my (stigmatized) dissociative mind state or aka “past/future memory”.

Once we can control emotional moderation and these looping compulsions… imo it allows ppl that “have a bad memory” to see that it’s our brain in fear. My whole life, my brain would race to these negative “emotional narratives”. I highly recommend that anyone trying to reprogram themselves try it out.

I live in British Columbia currently. I believe that we should create groups, where we can study the information together. Get away from these covid fears and control tactics. I don’t want money or fake, I feel I deserve to know information and have the right to discuss openly snd without ridicule or censorship.

How was your neuro feedback experience? (I use “neuro optimal”


Dec 14 at 07:25 PM

Are there any events in Canada, coming up?

Dec 14 at 05:04 PM

They are already taking away freedom of speech. Canada is lying about MAID (medical assisted suicide) numbers by reporting the ailment as cause of death. Now addiction and mental health are allowed to be suicidal allowances… as of 2024.

I am neurodivergent and was put in opiates(t3s then oxy) from 12-26yo for my anxiety induced colitis(bleeding ulcer) and for 17 straight years, I was a science experiment on prednisone for 10-28 weeks every single year.


I have been using neurofeedback therapy for two years. My ADHD(symptom), is just a coping mechanism of the brain… the neuro retrains my brain, and resets my thought compulsions that would loop on repeat.

I am trying EES very soon in Vancouver, Canada!!

I just wanted people to know there are non medication and in this case just music that “skips” like an old CD player. It also has allowed me to reach calm and connect. My goal is to inform truth. TY Unifyd

Dec 13 at 07:23 PM

Thank you, Akhi 🙏

Neurodivergence, Anxiety, and addictions are two tightly woven subjects i whole heartedly believe I can help with. This process saved my life, AND retrained my brain. I encourage everyone to try neurofeedback and allow your mind to get past those emotionally thought loops holding you back. Thank y’all for reading this. We are here to inspire love, acceptance, and positive understanding/change.
