Jesse Town

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Dec 21 at 02:44 PM

Let’s push free energy and all of us stand up to end poverty and war.

Dec 21 at 02:36 PM

Michelle Reyes words mean nothing, actions will define our legacy

Dec 21 at 02:36 PM

How do i get “free energy” education to the masses? I’m willing to push this loving, and beautiful narrative of humans having the basic essentials to grow up with live instead of trauma.

Dec 21 at 02:31 PM

Pleasure to meet Lana, I believe pushing a narrative of “free energy” is what we need to be pushing in Canada. We have UAP craft, as per Ross Coulthart. If this 2024 election is to have any meaning, we should be demanding this theory to be discussed and persued. Out if 8 billion people almost half can’t cook a meal. The rest of us barely can afford to keep the lights on. Trudeau was put through the WEF global leaders of tomorrow. Headed by klaus Schwab the son of a nazi defense contractor and supporter of South African apartheid… also mentored by Henry Kissinger, that used CIA funding to start the world economic forum. Socialism is the starting point to national socialism… which is the definition of “nazi”.

At the end of the day, free energy will end wars, and unite the world into an age of love. What can we do to be heard? How can we unify and unite when we’ve been told to segregate into race or sexual preference. We are all light and darkness. The truth is in the light.

Dec 21 at 02:31 PM

Pleasure to meet Lana, I believe pushing a narrative of “free energy” is what we need to be pushing in Canada. We have UAP craft, as per Ross Coulthart. If this 2024 election is to have any meaning, we should be demanding this theory to be discussed and persued. Out if 8 billion people almost half can’t cook a meal. The rest of us barely can afford to keep the lights on. Trudeau was put through the WEF global leaders of tomorrow. Headed by klaus Schwab the son of a nazi defense contractor and supporter of South African apartheid… also mentored by Henry Kissinger, that used CIA funding to start the world economic forum. Socialism is the starting point to national socialism… which is the definition of “nazi”.

At the end of the day, free energy will end wars, and unite the world into an age of love. What can we do to be heard? How can we unify and unite when we’ve been told to segregate into race or sexual preference. We are all light and darkness. The truth is in the light.


Dec 21 at 02:24 PM

We need to start groups pushing a united narrative of free energy. Only 1% will push back…



Dec 21 at 02:22 PM

FREE ZERO-POINT-ENERGY FROM THE QUANTUM VACUUM. Why are we not uniting behind Dr Greer, and sending all scientific assets to understanding this theory and in turn ending poverty and starvation. 5 billion people can’t cook a meal. The rest can barely afford to keep the lights on. Canada is our best advantage to shedding light on this imo. I think this election in 2024 this continent should unite and ask the scary question. I am ready and willing


Dec 18 at 04:31 PM

Love is unbiased, I recommend anyone fighting anxiety and ptsd symptoms like adhd, or internalized (I had 17 years of bleeding ulcers, am now 6 years into remission) try neurofeedback.

I believe we suffer from two major SYMPTOMS, that cause these disorders… emotional unregulation, which leads to our “brain” creating these preset compulsions to distract us from the “fear” or “anxiety”. Once in an emotionally regulated position, the neurofeedback will RESET these compulsions. It gives you a mental work out, afterward for the first while it is like post workout with that stigmatized “dissociation” but on the positive of spectrum. I use it every week for the past year, and on and off the year prior. I no longer go into these adhd uncontrolled revs when triggered. The neuro is temporary, but allows you to see big picture and without all of these unconscious self defense “trigger” traps. I believe in all of us.


Dec 18 at 04:13 PM


I’m from British Columbia Canada, I have the time to download the current affairs of the world. I’m not angry, I wouldn’t be awake and in a place where I try to live lovingly. I have not led a perfect life. I have battled being overstimulated and an undiagnosed neurodivergent.
I truly believe, we need to start meetings… just get together and show factual evidence of the current affairs going on. Have discussions about how we can be disruptors in a positive and loving way. If everyone pitched in two years towards helping the less fortunate, housing and feeding, while admitting there’s free energy that Tesla found. We could CHANGE THE WORLD. It takes small steps, what can we do to make change?
Let’s stop monetizing our basic needs like food, water, and heat. Give everyone absolute freedom of speech. If you don’t like my “X” post. Block me. Let’s love our friends and foe, we have the power inside each one of us.
DON’T LET YOUR “BRAIN” CONTROL YOUR “MIND”. I can define my associations to brain vs mind upon request.
Thank you all, for saving children, and creating this safe space to learn internally and externally. Bless


Dec 18 at 04:02 PM

One last comment on here… many great movements have started in Canada. We are extremely diverse, and theology should not be an issue here. I would love to see networks started in Canada at the least. I was trained to be a road sales man/account manager, I am willing to put in the work. I do t want to persuade anyone, I just want to lay out the facts, and have a conversation about how we can move forward in a productive, loving, and aware perspective.

We need to bring people of different experience/qualities together. Let’s get UNIFYD!
