
Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Dec 15 at 09:01 PM

You can call me Dragon Hunter 🐲

The Unicorn King🦄👑⚒plenipotentiary of the RosenBridge

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 15 at 08:23 PM

I am a seeer psychic intuit

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Dec 15 at 08:13 PM

For this to be believed for it to become truth and fact there needs to be physical proof shown to the people. There claiming this to be so Important for humanity and are world an reality, then why would there be something shown to the people to allow it to become absolute truth?!

Dec 15 at 08:00 PM

Sad thing is more than half the country is still asleep still following the programming still walking around with eyes wife shut!! They believe this is all conspiracy theory or they have cognitive dissonance and for this info to be true it will shatter there whole reality.


Dec 15 at 07:33 PM

Always choose the road to fight, if it's not worth fighting for its worthless.

Ryan F

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Dec 10 at 02:44 PM

I was raised catholic but I also believe that's the problem with religion Christians believe what they believe Muslims, jews,Buddhists ect and ppl like him believe what they do so I feel if ppl aren't hurting others let them believe what they want. At the end of the day it all a belief know one truly knows if right wrong partially right no one knows cause a belief like these can't be proven fact here on earth so being negative towards someone else cause they don't have the same beliefs as you is wrong

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Dec 10 at 02:17 PM

I don't think he knew anything

Replied on The Time Is Now

Dec 10 at 11:39 AM

This needs to be show to the public. Why wait, for profit? Americans/America need to see these professionals tell them the truth! There still pushing the vax this could save lives this can change minds! This could be what finally makes everyone see the truth and the evil behind it! This is truth this is fact this is Powerful! Release it to the mass sooner than later. 🙏👏🇺🇸👍💪🇺🇸


Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 10 at 11:23 AM

Release this to the public don't wait this needs to be shown to the world!!!

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 10 at 10:41 AM

Every doctor and nurse in charge needs to be charged and locked up!