
Jan 04 at 08:31 AM

Naturally.. OPPOSITES attract.   Look at a bar magnet. 

 At least you have static on your phone my phone cord was ripped out of the wall.. So to speak.

DDolores cannon talks about the waves of people that inhabited the Earth we are in wave 4..5 or 6 now with the youngest generations.

IAt  61 I am totally calcified my brain spins and circles more now than it ever did I've had this problem since i was a teenager. I believe it is manifesting  early onset dementia because my tremors in my hands at times get so bad I could not drink a glass of water without getting soaked.

YYou continue fighting because that's all you can do ..you take time off when you need to in the next morning you wake up and you try even harder.. that's my Approach.

KKeep in mind we are still in the 7 years of tribulation that started when 45 took office in 2016 we are ending the 7 years now we have a few months of absolute hell..as this ends possible fake nuclear war and financial collapse

God Bless

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 04 at 08:19 AM

Yep.   Actually controlled by thr.. ZIONISTS.. who infiltrated every group world wide.   Not just the US.

 Operation paper clip was the take over of the US military-industrial complex by nazi Germany.  Who is also called Kazarian mafia & Zionists.    What region of the globe do they live in Ukraine where's all the money going Ukraine. These are the satanic child sacrificing people controlled by the original 13 Phoenician families.  


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 04 at 08:13 AM

Please un subscribe.  Cuz you have virtually ALL you info wrong.  But that's what Karen's do.   They are paid to cause as much problems as possible.

I hope you find God's blessingsI hope you find God's blessings..


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 04 at 08:10 AM

SAD.   your have virtually everything backwards.  You watch fake news/ media. 

OR.. YOU'RE A PAID KAREN.. to push the brain washing.  And usually have a satanic agenda.  

God Bless You...& help you..


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 04 at 08:06 AM

Exactly.  Follow the Schumann resonance.   The reason they spray chem tails..is because humans get messaging & energy from the sun. Our entire lives we were fed a lot of BS oh don't look at the sun where sunscreen all this stuff that the sun will kill us.  

 If you notice the sun continues to throw off solar flares we are now going into the x class which are the strongest solar flares these are like downloads from the creator.  Yes.  Theres channels that follow this. These then create a ripple chain reaction a fact that propagates through to other people they are slowly increasing the total vibrational awareness of all the people on Earth and..NCSWIC.. Nothing can stop what is coming..  THEY'RE PETRIFIED.   

Yes. It's a Trump slogan.  Yes.  He knows. 

Humanity Is waking up...

SPREAD THE KNOWLEDGE..Qs.. follow my fb pages.. send a DM


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 04 at 07:56 AM

Become a teacher.    I am totally calcified . Many people have been totally and purposely given mental afflictions mental blockages.  Children develop aspergers autism and other birth defects. I have suffered with bipolar my mind spins in circles I can't ever get it to stop. I have been going on websites and podcast 4..3 years everybody wants huge amounts of money.. But I don't have. they don't want to actually help people.  They know exactly what they're doing. our water is poisoned with Florida's leads are foods are poisoned with round up and other toxins they are turning males into females with other poisons foods are poisoned. organic is not organic Bill Gates and friends bought out many of the organic food producers and spray their food with the forever chemicals it cannot be washed off.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 03 at 10:09 PM

Zionist controlled .. BOTH SIDES of  WW1 & WW2.. & Bolshevik revolution.   NAZI & many CEO in US.. they WON WW2..&  traitors to the US.   Operation Paperclip. . goal was actually the take over of the US Military Industrial Complex .. taking Germany's best scientists.   They shortly took over the entire US system.  Including Wernher Von Braun controlling NASA.   

The Civil War was.. NOT OVER SLAVERY.   It was a financial Coup of the United States from Great Britian & thr richest family in the world... the Rot- Sch-1ldz..

They purposely ran the US into.. Excessive Debt. . Toward -- Bankruptcy.

The Zionists/ Kha-Zar1an mafia/ N/az1.. are ALL the same. 

Satan w0rsh1p & ch-1ld sac-Rif1cing.. bl00d ..etc

NOTHING... is what it.. seems.  ALWAYS 180°opposite...  They play off of confusion. 


Jan 03 at 09:16 PM

Another Karen.  
