Helen B

New York, NY, United States


May 11 at 04:27 PM

Prayers needed please for my granddaughter Gianna she’s 7 1/2 months old she swallowed a very small rubber band and has thrown up 5 times the doctor is saying to take her to the ER



May 10 at 02:11 PM

Hi guys! I just wanted to thank you all so much, and give you an amazing update on Kaden. His CT scan was completely clear and he was released at 3 am with no head, or spinal injuries. The power of prayer is amazing! Thank you all again 🙏



May 09 at 09:00 PM

Prayers needed please for a 4 year old boy named Kaden he fell from a deck 6 feet and cannot move a helicopter rushed him to the hospital



Apr 17 at 01:31 PM

I have reverse Osmosis whole house filtration system and I’m wondering if Hydrogen water is better ?



Apr 15 at 12:05 PM

Hello everyone so five years ago couple of weeks before it happened I had a dream that I was in a setting of a party and I saw the guy woke up in the morning and his face was like embedded into my head a couple weeks later we get invited to a wedding With my husband, a couple of friends were sitting at a table and I’m having a sip of my drink. I look forward to my right and I see his face. It’s an actual human being. I looked at him in front of my God I look at him again and he just walks straight up to meat the table and introduces himself With out, revealing his name that he was part of the wedding party and started talking to me my husband was furious, but me and him could not stop talking. It was incredible. It felt like I knew him forever. Long story short That was what an experience I couldn’t get him out of my head for weeks. Can anybody explain to me? What the heck was that seeing somebody in your dreams and then seeing him in physical form?



Apr 06 at 04:24 PM

Is it ok to watch the solar eclipse with the eclipse glasses or should we stay indoors?