Helen B

New York, NY, United States

Apr 14 at 04:10 PM

What type of copper bracket should we wear ?

Apr 09 at 04:12 PM

I had went to a reiki cacao ceremony,in a 24 eesystem unit it was my first time I was there for a little over 3 hours. I felt fine when I left and soon as I got home I felt light headed and on the top of my head like it was opened I really can’t explain that feeling but wasnt sure if it was the reiki and meditation of opening my chakras or the eesystem I went home felt light headed and went to sleep next morning I woke up did the detox bath I felt very alert and almost like I could pick up on everything what someone was gonna say before they said it I thought of someone and they called I would say clarity, energy , and a sense of alertness. I had gone with a group of people and 3 outta four of them had severe headaches after and 1 of my friends she’s an acupuncturist she felt sick she was going to the bathroom and also vomited the next day. Than felt better . I’m assuming her body was detoxifing.



Apr 06 at 04:24 PM

Is it ok to watch the solar eclipse with the eclipse glasses or should we stay indoors?


Apr 06 at 03:01 PM

I’m sending love and light to all and I thank god for blessing us all with optimal Health!


Apr 05 at 06:12 PM

Did anyone feel and hear the aftershock 5 min ago?

Apr 05 at 03:48 PM

All I know is everyone had a different experience I heard it didn’t see or feel anything move my husband didn’t hear it but saw the doors shake my son said his room was shaking honestly how is that even possible when we’re all in the same house ??
