Sean Wodehouse

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Dec 21 at 09:29 PM

Some of you get it that's good, the rest of you negative fake woke people need to do nothing like you've always done, go back to your TV's is where you are comfortable shut the fuck up bc you're exactly what Ray talks about ASLEEP TO WHAT IS GOING ON. Go get another shot or a booster hopefully you will bc that's the poison that you willingly went and got why did more people die that were vaccinated than were not? They want us dead so if you think you got the answers then step up to the podium if not go back to Monday night football the Simpsons go to church and be judged by all the ones who think bc every Sunday they dress up doing good in society Monday morning stub their toe curse their God . 2 places I go on earth to be judged 1. Court 2. Church

Bible Thumpers and negative sceptics the reason the psychopaths have been successful. WAKE UP or shut up