Angela kapral

Kelowna, Canada


May 04 at 05:55 AM

So I'm curious if anyone has noticed how dark it is at night ? I'm in kelowna bc canada. I noticed looking out my window over the lake it was oddly dark last couple nights. Lastnight I went on a road trip and got back at 130am . The road was pitch black besides street lights driving through towns , there was no moon , no moon light at all .
I'm baffled by this so just wondering if anyone else notices this around the globe?


Mar 26 at 10:12 AM

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I hope this link works but if it doesn't look up gateway intermediate workbook . It is a C.I.A DOCUMENT on how to reach a level of consciousness and awareness for the soul to leave the body . More like a guide I guess . I just wanted to share what I found .
Also here is some pictures of the program