Angela kapral

Kelowna, Canada


May 04 at 05:55 AM

So I'm curious if anyone has noticed how dark it is at night ? I'm in kelowna bc canada. I noticed looking out my window over the lake it was oddly dark last couple nights. Lastnight I went on a road trip and got back at 130am . The road was pitch black besides street lights driving through towns , there was no moon , no moon light at all .
I'm baffled by this so just wondering if anyone else notices this around the globe?

May 04 at 03:41 AM

So I'm in canada and last couple nights has been weirdly dark and tonight I drove 4 hours still am . I have not seen the moon there has been no moon light. I'm baffled by this it's dark


Apr 13 at 06:47 PM

Oh wow it's crazy u said this I had 18 hours labor and he was sunny side up and I had the same out of body experience experience . Both our heart rates were dropping it was the last push I had . I got the bar across with a sheet wrapped around it in my hands for leverage even . I did it though

Apr 06 at 10:19 PM

So is it true u can look at it do u know? they say wear glasses so we dont absorb the energy thi k


Apr 06 at 10:17 PM

Like total blackout


Apr 06 at 05:49 AM

What is the thing we are supposed to do on the 8th I missed the live q and a and I should be traveling that day or is that a bad idea ?


Mar 26 at 10:12 AM

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I hope this link works but if it doesn't look up gateway intermediate workbook . It is a C.I.A DOCUMENT on how to reach a level of consciousness and awareness for the soul to leave the body . More like a guide I guess . I just wanted to share what I found .
Also here is some pictures of the program


Mar 23 at 10:18 PM

So what about the solar eclipse ?there are so many rumors ? What kind of frequency takes place? Why do I feel like what he said at the end tells me to take my money out of the banks before eclipse and help those u can and prepare for what's coming.

Commented on TRANCE

Mar 17 at 01:39 AM

So any thoughts on children with adhd and being no real diagnoses but symptoms, the meds there put on are they to do with mk ultra being at an elementary level when they start ?The military does use them I have heard.