Terri Monroe

Jan 06 at 05:23 PM

Crossville Tn USA

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Jan 06 at 05:07 PM

I was in a coma for 4 months due to COVID. I didn't get a jab but went to the ER for a urinary tract infection. I went alone, had good insurance and I was 57. I was worth more dead than alive! Thank GOD I'm still alive. I now have a problem with what I believe to be graphene oxide. It's not living but feels alive. I think after you have an immune system crash you are right in target to get this. It feels like a bug crawling on you. The doctors won't tell me what to do about it. Please tell me ...do you have an answer for this? Btw I supposedly had covid in 2020! Please help me!

Jan 06 at 12:45 PM



Jan 06 at 12:45 PM



Jan 05 at 03:45 PM

Couldn't get on the site. It's been deleted. That's bull shit!!!