
Jan 16 at 06:29 PM

Yeah. My tinitus when I experience it is normally one pitch ringing sound bowls. This however, sounds more like sirens and alarms that go off with bombing and such...if it was on a faint scale in terms of multiple pitches and frequencies. This mixed a few other strange things I have seen and experienced the last month (not sure I'm open to talking about as I fear it does not sound legit). However, just trying to see what could possibly be causing it.


Jan 15 at 11:46 PM

999 We already have more than enough knowledge of what happened with COVID 19 and it's true story (at least hopefully people know). I still never got vaxxed. Intuition and Knowledge. This one has 100% Mortality rate so far in transgenic mice. I do have a backpack prepared and clean water straw...etc. However, with such strong mortality....I hope this is someone or some group watching and trying to stop this "possible spill over". I think talking and starting inquisition is important to awakening. Not fear like the media, but as philosophers as the past. Question. Obtain knowledge. Always try to understand intention behind the action. I would much love no more death of life and this can be prevented before it's release. I mean "spill over" or it's "patenting".


Jan 14 at 04:23 PM

999 Much Love. Thank you for sharing these reads. I have heard of Joe Dispenza, as well. I do meditate, but am intrested always in trying new techniques.


Jan 14 at 12:56 PM

999 Can you recommend some books. I did deep dives into most religious texts. I have been using solfeggio frequencies but not sure if they are truly the correct ones. I have seen things I know I am capable of doing. I just need more insight on how to tap into what's inside.


Jan 14 at 03:10 AM

I have no money, I do not even have a bank account , but I am sure the people will learn. They then can share with us their knowledge.