Chad Reetz

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 18 at 03:59 AM

Gen x is still here and awake I'm 45 been awake since 911 is old people started it you young people will have to finish it


Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 18 at 03:56 AM

I want to know what he says about Q because alot of what he says came from the Q boards

Jan 18 at 03:55 AM

I understand that it's exactly what I believed since I was young and my father was murdered Infront of me. Never bought in to the religion fully thought the Bible was changed to to keep us inline. Had huge problem with authority growing up I just felt different my whole life i guess

Jan 17 at 05:05 PM

So everything I've seen on this tells us everything bad is good and good is bad it's really hard to believe after I've been taught my whole life this is what the devil will do in the end days