Elliot Sobers

Mar 17 at 02:54 PM

Shocked to see my city (NY) isn't on this list!


Mar 17 at 02:51 PM

"We the people" have no rights and are supposed to stay sheep asleep. No government or president will ever stop what's truly going on behind the scene's. However the more people's eyes we open and the more love we share the stronger we become as a collective and the easier the shift! Love and light! ♥


This is one of those times when saying nothing is best but because of enlightenment we keep open minds for growth and expansion of our awareness etc.

Daddy Dragon by George I think he's got it! No, seriously though my friend you sound a little paranoid through your own words. I don't think anyone knowing more than the Leader of TLS would be going through some of things you're saying and definitely wouldn't be saying it here in the fashion you are. Like seriously if it's what you're describing you would just say what it is so your work and knowledge would be in vain.

Keith Miller oh myyy....let it flyby 😂

Mar 17 at 12:55 PM

Ummm confused om the meaning here?

Mar 17 at 12:50 PM

Showoff ☺.....good for you!!

Ummmm not going to ask if you asked before you watched but if you did....phew!!

Mar 09 at 09:17 AM

99 police cars so the hoodlums could rob hmmmmm idk about this one