Elliot Sobers

Mar 09 at 09:16 AM

I believe your spot on my friend

Mar 09 at 09:15 AM

Ummmm something isn't working somewhere because I don't have access

Mar 07 at 02:08 PM

Yup totally agree 👍

mickey Gavin what worked for you may not work for the next person but motivation is key and keep in mind we don't know the person making the statement....they could be disabled in some way. Love and light to all of the unifyd family! ♥


Replied on THRIVE II

Mar 01 at 04:09 PM

This isn't an ethnic issue...it's good and evil....pick your side and do what you can to help build us up and not tear us down!!

Feb 27 at 12:00 PM

max Snyder you are already a part my friend ☺. Just do what you can do to spread the message is more than enough. If it's meant for you to do more you will know when it's time. Love and light! ♥

Replied on The Highest Pass

Feb 23 at 09:13 AM

Yeah let's do it haha 😂

Commented on Chasing the Present

Feb 15 at 10:27 AM

Wow I almost stopped watching this because the beginning didn't seem to apply and wow how wrong I was. This is an awesome episode on understanding one's self. Thanks so much. Love and light throughout the world! ♥


Feb 14 at 02:49 PM

Why? Because you can't see how anyone would or you mean you, yourself wouldn't turn down the money to benefit the entire earth, humanity?


Feb 13 at 02:32 PM

Not to get off topic but did she just say to cross your right leg over your left and she just put her left leg over right at beginning of this video? Sorry but being awake or aware makes you notice everything. Love and light! ♥