Brendon Ha

Jan 18 at 06:31 AM

It’s such a coincidence that I got the book of Enoch as my own Christmas gift and now I’ve decided to watch the pyramid code. I knew I had to read the book of Enoch but didn’t know why but based on rays identity he said in his past life he was a Hebrew boy taught by the Egyptians which was super rare aswell as his interaction with the original ark of the covenant. So based on his first reincarnation he was taught the Egyptian mystery school teachings and the Kabbalah which was Hebrew mystery teaching and had left to Israel. I have no doubt in my mind and I probably will get criticised for this and I reckon I know the reason why he hides his identity it’s because he is the reincarnation of MoSes. There was only one boy that got accepted into Egyptian mystery school teachings as a Hebrew that was Moses every being in my body and sense and intuition and something is telling me he is the reincarnation of Moses.
