Barry smith

May 17 at 09:20 AM

Sherif Osman great observation but I have a question. When the GODS ruled the planet before they supposedly mixed with humans and diluted the mind and now here we are. If it would have stay the way it was we were their slaves and you don't think they would have done the same thing if they thought it would nake them live forever if they were above the human race as a God. They would use us just as we use other species below us for food and everything else.


Apr 23 at 10:45 AM

Be kind and help


Apr 12 at 12:59 PM

Put down the guns, stop fighting, come together as one and you shall survive and prosper!!!!


Mar 23 at 06:38 PM

Unless this is made affordable for the masses and I am talking the people that are literally homeless. This technology should be free to the "American" masses for the time being if they want to win this shit. If only the richest of the rich can afford it who does it benefit? No one except for the ones using it. It benefits no one that actually matters. I hate to say that but it is true. I wholeheartedly love America that we know America as. Lately, I don't know what to call this place anymore.

Mar 23 at 06:35 PM

I was thinking the same thing. It is only going to be for the top 1% of the 1%


Mar 23 at 03:21 PM

Thank you I did that and submitted a request for someone to contact me if possible. I am only looking for a yes or no to a question. I am not asking to meet or for anything. Thank you for taking your time to help me with that.


Mar 23 at 03:10 PM

I want to know something that I have always wondered about. Was Roseanne really shut down for what they said? Or does she know something that might hurt them so they are trying to make her word untrustworthy? She is not the only one though. I think Chester, Kurt, Amy, and Robbin Williams among others that just know too much and they can't have that get out. It is just weird how all of a sudden some of the biggest most influential people in this world start committing suicide. I think something is being hidden and the only way to keep it hidden is make the people who know look unstable and suicidal and say that the lifestyle is why they chose to die. There are many many stars that this has happened too and they all die in way too similar ways for it not to be covering something up that someone doesn't want out.

Mar 23 at 03:00 PM

I really need to go see the healer myself


Mar 23 at 02:58 PM

Probably WW3 I personally beleive it has already started and they just don't want to tell the masses so not to freak everyone out. If you think toilet paper had hell during covid. Imagine what would happen if they came out and told everyone the truth and that we are in WW3 already. People would go absolutely fuc*ing crazy.

Mar 21 at 05:33 PM

Tamia I answered 3 of your questions