Benjamin Sitar

Aug 09 at 05:44 AM

Ray has this information, maybe he will share it with us


Replied on TLS Update

Jun 08 at 01:00 PM

This is just dust that the camera picked up

May 13 at 04:22 AM

Bianca Bell-Chambers hello

I could use your help, thank you

Apr 06 at 12:49 AM

Part 4

My body fat is dropping and i am gaining muscle.

Since i am in ketosis, they say my body starts to heal, mentally and physically.

Just 2 days ago i fund a 65 year old doctor from USA with multiple myeloma, he said no to chemo and is healing with carnivore only. The give him max 6 months and he is already 2 years on the diet.

I know Ray and the rest of the TLS have the ability to heal me, but i am not counting on that.

This is my battle, that i am going to win. My family needs me!

Ps: i was also on 2 therapies with EES

We have 12 screens studio in Slovenia

Thanks for reading and i wish you all the health in the world.

Apr 06 at 12:39 AM

Part 3

After his past away, that was hard on me... what if he died just to give me this gift? He was just 69

I can receive scalar energy everywhere even when i am walking. All i have to do point my palms forward. Instantly i get red dots on my palms and like little pins and needles. But unfortunately that is all i can do. I fell better, but i dont know how to channel this energy to heal me

Again fast forword. I was 6 months free of disease, then it came back. Also the cemo, not as harsh. Fast forword on today... i get 25% of cemo. Numbers are geting better and better.

I can normally lift up my 2 sons, 40 and 45 kg. One at the time. Pain is 99% better. Geting married in October. As a family we moved to our new house that we waited for 10 years.

Things are looking good.

I also tried water fasting for 1 week i did some urine therapy, plants only diet, now i am on carnivore diet.5 days in. Don judge me please.

I got my focus and mental clearness back.

Apr 06 at 12:24 AM

Part 2

I took them 1 week to diagnose me with multiple myeloma at 39 years old... with all the treatment they have they give me max 10 years.

I was crushed for 2 days, trying to find some alternative healing... nothing, not even one...

In this case i will be the first one to do it, i will not give up.

I was on some sort of targeted chemo therapy and 1 drug that took the calcium from my blood and put it back to my bones.

My father bought me a healing machine

Similar to 1 pic

It helped, in 2 months with very harsh chemo there was no signs of multiple myeloma.

But all was not sow good, i lost my father 1 month after i got home from hospital. The only man on earth to was open to alternative healing, he also had an ability to heal with his hand and to recive scalar and white light energy to energize.

One other healer told me i got my powers to recive scalar energy from my father. He give me this

Apr 06 at 12:07 AM

Let me tell you my story (part 1)

Back in 2022 i was playin in our master bedroom with my 2 sons( back then 5 and 6 years old)

My oldest son jump on my ribs, and broke a soft type part of 1 rib. I knew that doctor couldn't help

Sow i didn't go. From that moment on i broke my soft ribs like it was a joke, from closing car dors and many other normal things.

I also got pain in my back, i couldn't sleep normally, only on my back with very soft pillows.

I went to the doctor, he said the pain will go away and give me painkillers. Fast forward a few months i couldn't get up from my bed, the pain was too much. Paramedics came to get me, took me in to emergency, filled me with painkillers and that didn't worked as planned, a little pain was still there. A young doctor there told me this is not normal, and send me to the 2 hours they made normal cat scan, and cat scan with radioactive injection. I was a mess. All my soft ribs ware broken and fixed also my 2 spine bones